Introduction to Novell GroupWise ® Administrative Object API Glade Monson Software Engineer Novell, Inc.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Novell GroupWise ® Administrative Object API Glade Monson Software Engineer Novell, Inc.

Vision…one Net A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world

Overview Introduction Overall structure Accessing the admin API  Visual Basic  Delphi  C++ User object example Code samples

Introduction The Novell GroupWise ® Administrative Object API lets you see, use, and manipulate GroupWise administration information Need administrative rights Reference information 

Overview Introduction Overall structure Accessing the admin API  Visual Basic  Delphi  C++ User object example Code samples

Admin API

Overall Structure Some object types  AdminObject  SystemDomain(s)  Post Office(s)User(s)  Field(s)Field Definitions  Distribution List(s)DLMember(s)  DMS Library(s)DMS Access Rights  DMS Field Definitions Lookup Table(s)  Nickname(s)Resource(s)  + Iterators

Overall Structure (cont.) Objects accessed through COM  Visual Basic  Delphi  C++

Overview Introduction Overall structure Accessing the admin API  Visual Basic  Delphi  C++ User object example Code samples

Accessing the Admin API Can use early or late binding Early binding: uses objects defined in type library Late binding: uses objects of type variant

Accessing the Admin API—Visual Basic Early binding Dim objSys As AdminTypeLibrary.System Set objSys = New AdminTypeLibrary.System ‘ Connect to the domain database objSys.Connect(“F:\gwdata\gwdomain”)

Accessing the Admin API—Visual Basic Late binding Dim objSys As Variant Set objSys = CreateObject(“NovellGroupWareAdmin”) ‘ Connect to the domain database objSys.Connect(“F:\gwdata\gwdomain”)

Accessing the Admin API—Delphi objSys: variant; objSys := CreateOleObject(‘NovellGroupWareAdmin’); // Connect to domain database objSys.Connect(‘F:\gwdata\gwdomain’);

Accessing the Admin API—C++ hResult = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_System, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | CLSCTX_INPROC_HANDLER | CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER, IID_IADSystem, (void**)&pIADSystem); hResult = pIADSystem- >Connect(“F:\gwdata\gwdomain”);

Overview Introduction Overall structure Accessing the admin API  Visual Basic  Delphi  C++ User object example Code samples

User Object Example Derived from AdminObject Can set, clear password Can access various user properties Can move users to different PO, within tree Users object allows creation of  New Novell eDirectory™ and GroupWise user  New GroupWise user from eDirectory user  New GroupWise user only (external) Find, Item, ItemByDN, ItemByObjectID operations available

Code Samples VB  Create users  Create distribution list  Modify users  Document rights C++