Hyperbolic Solar Collector Bader Al Ojairi Abdullah alsenawi George Milne Team 07 EML 4551 Ethics and Design Project Organization FIU Department of Mechanical Engineering Miami, Florida
Problem Statement Hyperbolic 3-D design replaces the control system that tracks the sunlight. Combined effect of Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. Use concentrated sunlight located at the focal point for maximum radiation absorption.
Motivation Availability of fossil fuels is decreasing, leading to high demand for renewable Reduce dependency on imported energy such as crude oil Reduce environmental impact of fossil fuel consumption and harvesting
Previous Designs
Proposed Design Copper is a good heat absorber Helical copper tube will be heated by conduction and convection Concentrated sunlight is used to heat up the tubes by radiation Glass helps retaining solar radiation inside the system to increase the efficiency
Alternative designs Use Reflected mirror or parabolic dish Preheated water accelerates heating process Provides higher steam temperature and pressure
Prototype System Description
Prototype Testing Absorption – with and without cover Parabolic Bend Angles, Inclination Angle Fluid Flow Rate Shutoff Valve Locations
Cost Analysis Subject to change through the evolution of the project Component Description Cost Copper Sheeting 24" x 24" x 0.08" $162.80 Mirrored Plastic Sheet 40" x 20" x 1/8" $54.44 Platinum Reflective Mylar Film 4" x 25" x 2mm $33.90 Copper Tubing 50 ft Coil, 1/4" Diameter $45.40 Return Bend 25 connector units $48.80 Pump Pacific Hydrostar 200GPH $33.99 Shut Off Valve 1/2" Quarter turn $6.99 Plexiglas 24" x 36" x 0.04" $30.90 Glass 24" x 24" clear sheet $61.20 Total $478.42 Subject to change through the evolution of the project RESPONSIBILITIES Bader Al Ojairi Abdullah Alsenawi George Milne Total Hours Spent Design Alternatives 10 30 Proposed Design Analytical Analysis 20 60 Solidworks Modeling 5 Prototype System Description 15 Plan for Testing 45 Report Preparation Total 230
Global Design Capable to be used in most regions of the world. Comply with an international engineering standards prototype will be tested according to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 9806:1994, Test methods for solar collectors
Objectives and Future Work Efficiently collect solar energy with proposed structure Produce steam to power engine Recycle steam from turbine back to solar collector by using a heat exchange condenser