Python. By Jawad
What Is Python? Python is an open-source object-orientated scripting language. Python is good for embedding snippets to run a program. As if writing a.DLL to add features and capability’s. Most dynamic applications and servers are wrote in python because of it’s sophistication. Such as Google. In the hacking community it is commonly known as the “Army Swiss Knife”. As it’s very dynamic and get’s the job done, With no hassle.
What is the Python Logo?
Which Devices Run On Python? Python is used mostly (for mobile devices) for driver transfers and connectivity. Python is good for commands and capable for multi-threading. It is a very dynamic scripting language.
What is it mainly used to control?
When and why was python developed It started out as a scripting language. Used to test and create simple multi-threaded applications. Now it has been expanded for Program/Web Development. Guido van Rossum created Python. The full library’s are open-sourced and were released on the 16 th October 2000.
What type of Language is Python? Python is a scripting language.
How much does it cost? Python is a open-source development scripting language. All library’s for python development are open-source meaning they are free to the public.
Basic Syntax The simplicity of Python is incredible. As the statement needed to write a simple statement on a terminal is: Print “Hello World”; Whereas most programming languages will of needed to declare the main function and import library’s into the source code. File-Extensions include (.py.pyw.pyc.pyo.pyd) The syntax has similarities to most programming languages such as; C++, Java, C# and C. And in some cases, Visual/Basic. So you could say that these programming languages influenced the development of this scripting language.