Visual Textbox & Label Controls
Textbox Naming convention (txt) Primary use (user input) Can except numeric and character values
Textbox (properties) The basic properties set in a text box are Name (txtFName) Alignment (where text appears) Password Character (set only for a use in a password form) Text (set to the “” set) visibility (True)
Label Naming convention (lbl) Primary use (used to label the contents of an object) Secondary use (used to display the results of an event)
Syntax (textbox & label) The following block of VB code demonstrates the use of these controls lblFName.Caption = txtFName.Text *note this code would appear in a command button
Command Button Naming convention (btn) Primary use: activation of lines of executable code during runtime of your Visual Basic programs
Command Button
GroupBox Naming Convention (fra) Primary use: Grouping of like controls