Torino, September 2008 Innovative Institutions and Products for Retirement Provision in Europe Lans Bovenberg and Theo Nijman Riccardo Calcagno VU University Amsterdam
Lugano, May 23 2 A short summary The starting point: pension systems are under reform From unfunded plans (PAYG) to funded schemes New challenges: Transition period Collective vs. individual plans DB vs. DC plans: optimal risk sharing Start looking at a base life cycle model to define a “first best” allocation of saving and risk Compute the welfare losses due to market incompleteness / financial constraints
Lugano, May 23 3 A short summary Are individuals able to implement the first best? Financial illiteracy Hyperbolic discounting (time inconsistency) Under-diversification (access to capital markets may be excessively costly) How can collective plans improve on individual choices? DB, DC or “hybrid” plans? Gaps in the literature Human capital is risky Liquidity constraints Hedge of systematic risk A description of the Dutch “stand-alone” collective schemes Recommendations about European research infrastructure and networks
Lugano, May 234 My interpretation and questions Individual choice is optimal under strong assumptions When individual cannot implement the “first best” collective plans may improve welfare However, simple individual plans (e.g. DC with constant premia) are not the solution Methodology (BKNT): compute welfare losses due to a “friction” from the first best Force individuals into collective plans: DB vs. DC
Lugano, May 23 5 My interpretation and questions Difficulties in creating fully funded DB plans: regulation may not be too strict? New accounting rules Mark to market obligations “Hybrid” plans are better; Collective plans are not “tailor-made”: good for the “average” individual? Agency issues (even in independent trusts as the Dutch stand-alone funds); More severe agency issues in traditional DB funds Risk-taking by companies who have a claim on possible surplus in the fund
Three lines of research Markets and institutional frictions New financial instruments and market design Agency issues Governance / creation of new institutions Individual “biases” Experiments