BDPA Burning Issues as of 1/29/05 Milt Haynes National BDPA Immediate Past President (IPP)
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting2 Burning Issues Process Steps Immediate Past President continues to collect issues and valuable feedback. Issues and Resolutions are tracked in Board members are encouraged to contact Immediate Past President and Business Area assigned to issues to volunteer to help resolve issues Resolution Teams meet to analyze the problem situation, identify root causes, develop countermeasures and action plans. Immediate Past President and Resolution Team Leaders provide monthly updates to the NEC and quarterly updates to the NBOD.
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting3 Burning Issues – Overall Status 63 Issues Logged 20 Open Issues As of 9/2/04 CASES are used to track issues ( Escalations Requested by Issues Status added to NEC monthly reports Request for status sent out monthly via
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting4 Burning Issues – Aging Report (1/29/05)
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting5 Burning Issues Status 1. Accountability (closed) 2. New Chapter Support (closed) 3. Membership Management Database (Milt Haynes, 3Q03), Pending 5/15/04 go live date. Closed 4. Member Retention/Participation (Brooks Baker, 3Q03, CASE 1038), Pending MM Summit at 2004 National Conference. Brooks will provide tools at the 2Q04 NBOD Meeting. 8/22/04: National President requests an update. 5. Organizational Strategy (Name Change, Mission, Vision) - closed 6. Corporate Sponsorship/Sales (Gina Billings, 3Q03), Hold-off List process in place. Closed. 7. Member Services (Career Development, Coaching, Tools) – Wendy Wonsley, 3Q03, Closed to BDPA Portal GAT Report. 8. New Member Benefits (update magazine subscriptions, etc., 3Q03, CASE 1039) – Brooks Baker, Pending benefits documentation. – Website updated. Need new Benefits Director. 8/22/04: National President requests an update.
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting6 Burning Issues Status c3 vs. 501c6 (Rick Giraudy, 3Q03), Closed. 10. Conference Site Application Process (closed) 11. BDPA/BETF Relationship (Rick Giraudy, 3Q03, CASE 1040), BETF to assign liaison. 8/22/04: National President requests an update. 12. Communications ( s, intranet, web, PR, etc.) - closed 13. Entrepreneurial Development (Betty Hutchins, 3Q03, CASE 1041), 8/22/04: National President requests an update. 14. Chapter Status Reports (Wayne Hicks, 3Q03), President is handling. Closed. 15. H1-B Visa (closed) 16. Membership Profile (closed) 17. Organization Issues (Milt Haynes, 4Q03). No response from chapter. Closed.
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting7 Burning Issues Status 18. Elections (Houston, Gina Billings, 4Q03), No response from the chapter. Closed. 19. Financial Integrity of National BDPA (Cincinnati, Rick Giraudy, 4Q03) No response from the chapter. Closed. 20. HSCC Funding and Computer Lab Location (Central Illinois, Wendy Wonsley, 4Q03), No response from the chapter. Closed. 21. Corporate Sponsorships (Chicago, Gina Billings, 4Q03), No response from the chapter. Closed. 22. Member Services, Communications, SIGs & Professional Development (Chicago, Wendy Wonsley, 4Q03), Chapter President reports that the issue can be closed. 23. Membership Transmittal Issues (Boston Metro West, Brooks Baker, 1Q04), Chapter President responds that VP MM has resolved transmittal issues. Closed. 24. Lost Check from National (Boston Metro West, Rick Giraudy, 1Q04), Chapter President reports that the issue can be closed. 25. Chapter Address Change (Boston Metro West, Brooks Baker, 1Q04), maintaining accurate chapter address information will be addressed with the new MM DB. Closed.
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting8 Burning Issues Status 26. Accessing Financial Records for Audits (DC, Rick Giraudy, 1Q04) Status: Gwen Hunnicutt reported on 2/16/04 that this is no longer an issue. Closed. 27. Fund Raising (Greater Philadelphia, Richmond, Rick Giraudy, 1Q04), No response from the chapter. Closed. 28. Website/Newsletter (Greater Philadelphia, Wendy Wonsley, Zuri Stanback, 1Q04), No response from the chapter. Closed. 29. Consistent Distribution of Membership Cards (Dayton, Brooks Baker, 1Q04), No response from the chapter. Closed. 30. Conference Bridge for NBOD Meetings (Rhode Island, Milt Haynes, 1Q04), No response from the chapter. Closed. 31. Need IT Entrepreneur Programs (Rudy Duke, Jackie Ockleberry, Tammy Wilkins, Wendy Wonsley, 1Q04), Status: Closed See following response from National BDPA President, Wayne Hicks, “ Ricky Penick (Chicago) is chairing the Small Business IT Effectiveness Center GAT. We don't have a leader for the next GAT yet. Rudy Duke agreed to serve on Ricky's GAT. Ricky is recruiting for the remainder of his 5-7 person team. Entrepreneur's are entitled to a discounted booth ($2000) which is inclusive of a full conference registration and invitation to the Invitation-Only EntShowcase luncheon sponsored by Black Enterprise. ”
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting9 Burning Issues Status 32. Website changes need an approval process (DJ Washington, Gina Billings, Zuri Stanback, 1Q04, CASE 1045), Status Pending. Update from BDPA Dallas President, DJ Washington, “ No! This is an open issue. It will be on the agenda for the president meeting per Gina ’ s suggestion, yet I am uncertain of where it stands from a NEC perspective. ” 33. Legal Questions Regarding Website Privacy (DC, Gina Billings, Zuri Stanback, 1Q04, CASE 1046), President-Elect is working with the CIO to update the Privacy statement on the National BDPA website. Status Pending. 34. Rate Chapters on NBOD Participation (DC, Chicago, Gina Billings, 2Q04, CASE 1047). Status Closed. 35. Upgrade of National BDPA HSCC Systems (DC, Betty Hutchins, 2Q04, CASE 1048). Status Closed. 36. Corporate Sponsorships Initiated at the National Level (Chicago, Gina Billings, 2Q04) Chapter received necessary information. Closed 37. Membership Transmittals (Chicago, Brooks Baker, 2Q04) One BDPA Global DB Payment Processing has eliminated the transmittal process. Closed 38. Increasing Corporate Sponsorships (Cleveland, Baltimore, Gina Billings, 2Q04) Tools and training provided at Chapter Building Workshop. National BDPA Corporate Sales Team is available for support. Closed. 39. HSCC Fund Raising (South Florida, Rick Giraudy, 2Q04, CASE 1049) Status Pending.
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting10 Burning Issues Status 40. Chapter Management (Baltimore, Hartford, Brooks Baker, 2Q04) No longer an issue. Closed 41. BOD Communication (Dallas, Baltimore, Betty Hutchins, 2Q04, CASE 1044) Status: Pending 42. National Conference Host Site RFP Document (Baltimore, Vercilla Brown, 2Q04) Wayne formed a task force with Vercilla, Denise, and Gina. Task Force produced updated documents that were approved at 3Q04 NBOD meeting. Closed 43. Planning for 2004 National Conference (Dallas, Vercilla Brown, 2Q04) Conference was successfully completed. Status: Closed 44. Student Chapter Policy Review (Birmingham, Brooks Baker, 2Q04, CASE 1043) Status: Pending 45. Chapter Building – Membership and Visibility and Sponsorship (Seattle, Baltimore, Brooks Baker, 3Q04) These topics were covered in the Chapter Building workshops. Closed
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting11 Burning Issues Status 46. Timely transfer of funds from National to the chapter (Cincinnati, Central Illinois, Rick Giraudy, 3Q04, CASE 1042) Global DB provides a virtual cash account. Payment processing SOP provided. Status: Pending concurrence to close. 47. Need documentation for Global Database administration (Cincinnati, Brooks Baker, 3Q04) Documentation Provided. Closed 48. BDPA Burnout (Boston, Wayne Hicks, 4Q04, CASE 1057) Status: Wayne is looking for feedback on the Volunteer Handbook. 49. Timely transfer of funds from National to the chapter (Chicago, Rick Giraudy, 4Q04, CASE 1060) Status: Closed 50. Global DB Membership Processing (Chicago, Brooks Baker, 4Q04, CASE 1061) Status: Complete 51. Chapter officers “ Term of Office ” (Central Illinois, Milt Haynes, 4Q04, CASE 1062) Status: Closed at 11/3/04 chapter meeting. 52. Initiate college chapter exploration in the local community (Central Illinois, Brooks Baker, 4Q04, CASE 1063) Status: Closed
1Q2005 NBOD Meeting12 Burning Issues Status 53. Chapter reimbursement for the 2003 free memberships (Central Illinois, Brooks Baker, CASE 1064) Status: Closed by Rick Giraudy and Lorenzo Marshall. 54. DeVry Chicago Faculty/Staff paid memberships (Devry Chicago, Brooks Baker, CASE 1065) Status: Pending 55. Establish Process to Return Chapter Awards Books (Cincinnati, Vercilla Brown, CASE 1066) Status: Closed. Earl Pace provided a process for returning chapter books. 56. NBOD Report Delivery, Clarity, Relevancy (Chapter Presidents, Vercilla Brown, CASE 1067) Status: Pending 57. and CIO Issues (4Q04 NBOD, Wayne Hicks, CASE 1068) Status: Pending 58. NBOD Meeting Rooming List SOP (4Q04 NBOD, Denise Holland, Vercilla Brown, CASE 1069) Status: Pending 59. Issue Resolution Effectiveness (1Q05, Milt Haynes, CASE 1070) Status: Pending 60. Need Better GDB Financial Audit Trials (1Q05, Frank Hill, Rick Giraudy, CASE 1071) Status: Pending 61. National Communication with Local Chapter Sponsors (1Q05, Reggie Gardner, Gina Billings, CASE 1072) Status: Pending 62. Securing Quickbooks (Online Version) for discounted price (1Q05, Lahesha Williams, Rick Giraudy, CASE 1073) Status: Pending 63. Renewal of Hewitt Corporate Members (1Q05, Aaron Jones, Wayne Hicks, CASE 1074) Status: Pending