Isentropic Analysis Techniques: Basic Concepts March 5, 2004 Adapted from Professor Jim Moore of St. Louis University
The troposphere, except in shallow, narrow, rare locations, is stable to dry processes. For the purpose of synoptic analysis, these areas can be ignored and potential temperature used as a vertical coordinate. Potential temperature increases with height International Falls, MNMiami, FL Potential temperature as a vertical coordinate
Isentropic Analysis: Advantages For synoptic scale motions, in the absence of diabatic processes, isentropic surfaces offer greater continuity with the depiction of 3D motions Horizontal flow along an isentropic surface contains the vertical motion often neglected in a Z or P reference system Moisture transport on an isentropic surface is three-dimensional
Advection of Moisture on an Isentropic Surface
Moist air from low levels on the left (south) is transported upward and to the right (north) along the isentropic surface. However, in pressure coordinates water vapor appears on the constant pressure surface labeled p in the absence of advection along the pressure surface --it appears to come from nowhere as it emerges from another pressure surface. (adapted from Bluestein, vol. I, 1992, p. 23)
Isentropes near Frontal Zones
300 K Surface Pressure in mb Wind blowing from low pressure to high pressure- air descending Wind blowing from high pressure to low pressure- air ascending
Isentropic Analysis: Advantages Atmospheric variables tend to be better correlated along an isentropic surface than on a constant pressure surface The vertical spacing between isentropic surfaces is a measure of the static stability. Convergence (divergence) between two isentropic surfaces decreases (increases) the static stability in the layer The slope of an isentropic surface (or pressure gradient along it) is directly related to the thermal wind.
Isentropic Analysis: Disadvantages In areas of neutral or superadiabatic lapse rates isentropic surfaces are multi-valued with respect to pressure In areas of near-neutral lapse rates there is poor vertical resolution of atmospheric features. In stable frontal zones, however there is excellent vertical resolution Isentropic surfaces tend to intersect the ground at steep angles
Neutral-Superadiabatic Lapse Rates
Vertical Resolution is a Function of Static Stability
Isentropic Analysis: Disadvantages The “proper” isentropic surface to analyze on a given day varies with season, latitude, and time of day. There are no fixed level to analyze (e.g., 500 mb) as with constant pressure analysis. If we practice “meteorological analysis” the above disadvantage turns into an advantage since we must think through what we are looking for and why!
Choosing the “Right” Isentropic Surface(s) The “best” isentropic surface to diagnose low-level moisture and vertical motion varies with latitude, season, and the synoptic situation. There are various approaches to choosing the “best” surface: Use the ranges suggested by Namias (1940) : SeasonLow-Level Isentropic Surface Winter K Spring K Summer K Fall K
Choosing the “Right” Isentropic Surface