1 Cost of controls TB L.Jirdén
2 LAN WAN Storage Configuration DB, Archives FSM servers Terminal servers, ACR consoles, etc Experimental equipment Controller/ PLC VME Field Bus LAN Node cooling gas Magnets Rack control Electricity Safety: DSS Safety: CSAM Infrastructure Services Central DCS Detectors DCS Hardware Architecture
3 General services Magnet controlL3 + Muon664k Electricity control220k Rack control188k SafetyDSS152k SafetyCSAM203k Infrastructure co 15k total1442k Central DCS Back-end hardwareracks 32k computers180k network 25k peripherals 10k cables 3k total250k controls costs I
4 controls costs II Detectors: common supply Cooling controlsIncluded in global cooling? Gas controlsIncluded in global gas? Detectors: common supply Front-end hardwareracks 32k computers180k network 50k cables 4k total266k
5 controls costs III Detectors: DCS MOU figures SPD75k SDD50k SSD20k TPC300k TRD82k TOF 89k HMPID15k PHOS+CPV150k PMD100k FMD0 V0, T00 ZDC0 MUON TRK200k MUON TRG50k ACCORDE0 total1131k
6 LAN WAN Storage Configuration DB, Archives FSM servers Terminal servers, ACR consoles, etc Experimental equipment Controller/ PLC VME Field Bus LAN Node cooling gas Magnets Rack control Electricity Safety: DSS Safety: CSAM Infrastructure Services Central DCS Detectors 250K not budgeted 1442K budgeted ! Common supply: 266K budgeted?
7 Questions u How to fund central DCS costs? u Have detectors included common supply costs in their budget?