Practical result in sea ice and meteorological layers integration with navigation charts IICWG - IV St. Petersburg, April 7-11, 2003 Yu.A.Scherbakov,G.A.Alekseenkov Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
Why ECDIS & ICE ? According to the last edition of SOLAS both traditional paper navigation charts and the ECDIS will have the same status. It is easier for navigators to have all kind of information in one place(ECDIS),no other inputs(Fax,pictures,telex,etc)
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute The major goals To find the concerned ECDIS developers To develop technology for the ice navigation support using ECDIS To test technology under the real ice conditions.
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Ice Navigation Support Icebreakers && Transport Ships Communication means Ice && Meteo Information Morintech AS AARI File Translator
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Sea Ice Charts Analysis Ice Chart Sea Ice Forecast *
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Analysis sea Ice chart construction Interactive ice mapping
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Analysis Sea Ice chart conversion Analysis sea ice chart = spatial && attribute components From ArcView to dKart
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute ECDIS(dKart Explorer) && Ice
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Means of Communication Means of Communication Gonets(global coverage, low cost, low rate of transmission ) Inmarsat GlobalStar * Etc
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Near-real time Ice Navigation support 18 ice charts where transmitted The maximum size of one chart does not exceed 50 kb
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute Meteorological Data Source FM-12/13 SYNOP/SYNOP SHIP FM-18 DRIFTER(BUOY) FM-92 GRIB FM-46 SURFACE ANALYSIS
Surface analysis charts components Observation data Pressure reduced to mean sea level field Pressure tendency field Temperature field Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
Problems A lot of ECDIS developers No possibility for direct use of S57 standard for hydro-meteorological information No standard terms to display the ice and hydro- meteorological information under ECDIS environment No easy available global-coverage communication means What else ?