New tariffs system in France GTE 23 rd October 2003 Jacques Laurelut.


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Presentation transcript:

New tariffs system in France GTE 23 rd October 2003 Jacques Laurelut

22nd October 2003GTE 2 The French network Gaz de France CFM GSO

22nd October 2003GTE 3 A multi-zonal Entry-Exit system  System in place in 2003 and 2004  Eight Entry-Exit zones: one for GSO two for CFM five for GDF (one for L-Gas, one for H-gas)  Average area covered by each zone: km2 (Belgium: km2 ; Netherlands: km2 ; Ireland: km2)

22nd October 2003GTE 4 How does it work ? Interconnection point Underground storage Regasification plant GSO CFM GDF Montoir Dunkerque Taisnières Obergailbach Oltingue Fos

22nd October 2003GTE 5 Advantages of this system (1/2)  No inter-TSO payment although there are 3 TSO’s  Favouring competition: no capacity constraint within each zone each GDF’s zone has a storage capacity daily balancing in each zone  Transparency: physical capacity constraints are reflected by the inter-zone links appropriate information is given to the network users by the TSOs regarding available capacities for the supply of their customers appropriate information is given by the network users to the TSOs (capacity booking reflects the actual need for capacity) minimisation of the risk of supply shortages for customers

22nd October 2003GTE 6 Advantages of this system (2/2)  Cost reflectivity: minimisation of cross-subsidiation the cost of the inter-zone links is borne by the users of the corresponding capacity only the price for the inter-zone links is very low for backhaul capacity consistency with existing transit contracts  Consistency with physical balancing requirements: the commercial balancing obligation on each zone for the shippers is consistent with the physical balancing requirements of the TSO

22nd October 2003GTE 7 New Transmission tariff (from January 1 st 2004)  Regulator proposal dated July 24 th, subject to French government approval  Same tariff structure Zonal Entry / Exit Five balancing zones for Gaz de France : NORD H, EST, OUEST, SUD, NORD B  But a lot of changes have been introduced Inter-zone links prices have been reduced by 20% short-duration contracts (1 month) long-duration contracts (more than a year) have been introduced title transfer facility is proposed within each balancing zone (from November 2003)

22nd October 2003GTE 8 Price Comparison (1000 MWh/d GWh/yr - NTAR=2)

22nd October 2003GTE 9 Transparency : publication on the web site  Detailed TPA conditions  Entry, exit and link points CapacitiesTotal firm capacity Subscribed firm capacity Subscribed interruptible capacity Available firm capacity FlowsDaily flow  Maintenance schedule Maintenance programme and impact on available capacities

22nd October 2003GTE 10 Third Party Access (estimated) Gas delivered (TWh) 6,119,231 (on 180 TWh eligible) Number of Sites concerned Number of shippers (including Gaz de France) 478

22nd October 2003GTE 11  Multi-zonal Entry-Exit tariff system  A model for Europe ?  Process of opening the French gas market  On the way of success …