Overview Women’s Studies Information Sign up for final presentations Extra credit papers (Deadline: Friday) Questions about Final Feminist Writing Villenas Richardson (Bio presentation by Laura) Hurtado Cantu
Feminist Writing What do we think when we hear “academic writing”? Scientific studies, data collection, methods, etc. Feminists have transformed scholarship by Using new forms of data because women are kept out of public records (way of constructing history) Asking different questions Writing for larger community
Feminist Writing Access: Consider this for your final question #1 Who are we writing for? What is the purpose of our work? Are academics like Spivak and Butler doing feminist writing? Are they using the master’s tools
This ethnography called my back: Sofia Villenas Examines anthropology as a field White, male, western Defining different cultures as exotic, “other”, irrational Seeks to use personal discourse as a valid form of anthropological writing We must integrate the self in writing and research. Writing is a process by where we observe others and discover more about ourselves
Skirting a Pleaded Text: Laurel Richardson Challenges academia by challenging her own social scientific writing Is ridiculed by her academic department because of her autobiographical writing (is it sociology?) Writing should connect to others and help us progress as human beings Autobiographical writing can be sociological and beneficial to a wider audience Autobiographical writing is a process that documents the sociology of our everyday lives as well as patterns within a larger community
Theory in the Flesh: Aida Hurtado Deconstruction VS Reconstruction Deconstruction is limited = hopelessness Reconstruction = Finding a space for your writing Data-gathering: Traditional data gathering tools restrict what we write about and how we examine it Measures not adapted for marginalized cultures in our society Hurtado challenges what we use as data Diaries, Journals, Poetry, Literature
De-academize theory to connect the community to the academy Theory of the flesh = who we are, where we came from, our desires, goals and needs (both of the author and the subject) Theory in the Flesh: Aida Hurtado cont….
Canicula: Norma Cantu Blurs genres by writing creative non-fiction Autobioethnography Writing is a process, like traveling through your life to find moments that truly matter and turning them into tales that other can use as well
Looking towards the future….. Blogs as data? Defining ourselves in our work Redefining data, how we ask questions, etc Third Wave Feminism