Spring 2012 Session 9 Dr. Alma Kadragic
Tonight’s program Reminder about Academic Writing & Research course – Tuesdays in Block or Block Discuss Field Trip Story #2 – feature as change from Field Trip Story #1 – hard news Discuss writing online stories Discuss international stories/local versions Finalize Teams for Team Reports next week Writing Exercise #4 No Class April 25
Academic Writing & Research Free to you, only this time In future, students will have to pay for this subject How you can use the subject Show Karen your 910 Report due April 16 a week earlier She can provide some tips Karen will look at your final paper – follow her timing Extension of time on final paper in 910 – June 15 is absolute deadline
Format for all stories 12 pt Calibri or Arial font Single space; double space between paragraphs No indenting for paragraphs No bold letters Title same size as text Full name at top of paper Make sure computer set left to right, not right to left – Ethar and Jaidaa
Field Trip Story #2 Requirements: 400 words maximum Feature story Story that couldn’t be done from home/office Includes interviews Sources of information provided are identified Will be marked and returned by Saturday evening, April 7
Field Trip Story #2 Feature Story What’s the difference between Story 1 and Story 2? Stories should be related but Story 2 can take off in other direction Remember that Field Trip Story 3 will be online version of Story 1 Field Trip Story 4 will be online version of Story 2 It’s important to understand how material can be cut, expanded, improved for other formats
Writing Online Stories Go over several sections and especially How Users read on the web F-shaped pattern for reading #104 on Writing Style for print vs web
Team Reports #1 We have 8 students in MMC 911 We need 3 teams which means 3 stories Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Team Reports #1 – cont. Template for team report – 15 minutes total Begin with statement of international story – be specific Continue with explanation of local version Describe interviews Describe research Explain what you would do to continue/expand the story if you had more time
Team Reports #1 – cont. 2 Prepare slides with care Time presentations Make sure you have done them several times before coming to class Presentations must be complete by the time you arrive to class First round of presentations in 910 was practice Now you can do the real thing
Upcoming Events April 10-16Gulf Film Festival May 6Sky New Arabia launches; located at twofour54, Abu Dhabi May 8-9Arab Media Forum; register at
Writing Exercise #4 Describe one international story that can be extended into a local story. It doesn’t have to be the one your team is working on. Begin to explain local angle of the story. Assignment is one paragraph Paragraph is 3-5 sentences maximum Write in 3 rd person only – no I, we, you Writing has to be lively; short sentences; no passive constructions
How do you start? Don’t start writing too fast – THINK! Decide what direction you will take Many possibilities Your paragraph has to be constructed like a paragraph: topic sentence and supporting sentences The paragraph should have 3-5 sentences
Session 10 next week – no launch Field Trip Story 2 will be returned by end of Saturday, April 7 Field Trip Story 3 – online version of Field Trip Story 1 is due by 6 pm, before class on April 11 Make sure that links in Field Trip Story 3 work Work on Team Reports 1 We will meet in Block
MMC911 Introduction to News Writing That’s it for tonight