OFFICE OF HIGHWAY SAFETY PLANNING The Role of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan in Programming Presentation to the GTSAC APRIL 20, 2007
OHSP Functions and Responsibilities Comprehensive Statewide Highway Safety Plan Apply for and accept federal grants Apply for and accept other public/private grants Administer grant programs to state and local government Assist in the coordination of highway safety programs with state and local government and private agencies
OHSP Focus and Priorities Improve compliance with Michigan traffic laws Enhance the knowledge and expertise of traffic safety professionals Increase awareness/support of traffic safety as a priority Enhance the availability, timeliness and use of traffic crash records and other planning data and information Improve the effectiveness of traffic crash emergency medical response and treatment
Planning Process Annual Highway Safety Plan due to NHTSA September 1 each year –Problem identification based –Supported through crash data –Studies, research and reports –Traffic Safety Summit –SHSP Action Teams/Plans Regional TSCs Committees, associations, task forces Federal and state agency priorities Attendance at national meetings and conferences Feedback from project monitoring and grantees NHTSA Assessments
Project Examples Lane Departure –Staff support –Data analysis Motorcycle Safety –$170,000 for ongoing professional development training –$79,000 to upgrade training motorcycles –$30,000 for public information initiatives Occupant Protection –$5,000 for a CPS Roll call video developed for law enforcement –$5,000 for reprinting safety belt law enforcement guide and CPS best practice card for law enforcement officers –$325,000 for CPS training, work on hospital discharge policy assistance Impaired Driving –$2.9 Million for year-round enforcement and National Crackdown support –$170,000 for pilot testing of new technology –Major emphasis at TS Summit Young Driver –OHSP providing $60,000 for training driving instructors in Phase 1 of the new GDL curriculum