Why I Can’t Do My Hours! Understanding Domestic Violence Workforce Professional Development Academy Jeanne Rademacher, CWDP, JSS, JCTC, JCDC Training Initiatives, Inc.
What is Abuse ? Physical Emotional Sexual Economical
Just the Facts!
Facts about Domestic Violence Every year, an estimated 2-4 million women of all races and classes are battered by a spouse or intimate partner in the United States. -There’s No Excuse Each year, more than one million women seek medical treatment for injuries by husbands, ex-husbands, and boyfriends. -”Facts on Domestic Violence” Abused women comprise approximately 20% of women presenting with injury to hospital emergency services. -International Journal of Health Services
Operator: 911, What is the emergency? Caller:Yeah, I just shot my girlfriend. Operator:You shot her? Caller:Yeah, I did. Operator:Where? Caller:In South Daytona. Operator:Okay S. Ridgewood, B23? Caller:Yeah. Operator:Where is she at now? Caller:She’s right here. Operator:What area was she shot in?
Caller: I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter. You need to come get her. Operator:Okay, What is your name? Caller:Alvin Watson. Operator:Albert? Are you going to stay there Albert? Caller:I ain’t going nowhere. Operator:Why did you shoot her, Albert? Caller:‘Cause I had to. Operator:Why did you have to, were you having a fight? Caller:Yeah.
Operator:Okay. Let me transfer you to EVAC. Can you, can you stay on the line and tell them where.. Caller:No, you just send somebody to come get her, okay. Operator:We’re on our way. (Phone is placed down) Caller:See what you done. The sound of two rounds being chambered in a gun. Then the sound of two shots being fired.
The Children
Another Reason
The Children are Watching!
Working with the Abused Individual 4 Safety 4 Support 4 Abuse 4 Recover
Working with the Abused Individual 4 Safety 4 Safety of the victim and their children MUST be a priority 4 Discuss options- learn what local resources are available 4 Develop a safety plan
Working with the Abused Individual 4 Support 4 Support Their Decisions 4 Must be Non-Judgmental
Working with the Abused Individual 4 Abuse 4 Discuss the different forms of abuse with the victim 4 Discuss the Power and Control Wheel
Working with the Abused Individual 4 Recover 4 Safety 4 Empowerment 4 Support System 4 Freedom 4 Special Needs
Why do the Abused Stay ? Fear Love Pity Economics Low Self-Esteem Religious Beliefs Children
Domestic Abuse Council, Inc. 24 Hour Crisis Line Transitional Housing Program “Hugs & Love” Family Violence Intervention Program Emergency Shelter Program Individual Group Education/Support Community Education & Professional Training Victim Court Advocate Program Programs and Services
Be Smart!