1. What year was the Boxing Day tsunami? 2. Where is Boscastle? 3. How many Brits are at risk of flooding? 4. What are the 4 types of flooding? 5. What makes flooding worse in cities? ANSWERS 2004 Cornwall 5 million Fluvial, coastal, pluvial and ‘plumbing’ concrete / tarmac or a lack of trees Round 1
6. How do you flood proof a house? Give three suggestions. 7. What should be in a flood kit? Give four suggestions. 8. What two big cities does the Mersey flow through? ANSWERS 6. Avoid keeping valued items at ground level, no carpets, high electrics, protect doorways, fit valves to pipes, etc. 7. Torch, blankets, water, canned food, first aid, boots, mobile, etc 8. Liverpool and Manchester Round 2
11. Name four types of natural hazard. 12. How would you warn someone hard of hearing that a flood is coming? 13. What word do we need to be, if we want to be able to cope with flooding, that begins with an “R”? ANSWERS ANSWERS Volcano, earthquake, hurricane / storm, drought, etc. Send a text message Resilient! Round 3