1) Occupation 1a) Academic level If student 2) Institution and department
3a) Which device? 3) Electronic equipment End survey If no mobile phone owned or used frequently (with or without internet) If mobile device w/ internet 4) Plan include internet 4a) Why not? If no 5) How much time? 6) Internet from mobile when computer available 7) Type of network 8) Plan include texting? If nothing is filled in in 4a, sometimes it ends survey (shouldn’t do this)
9) Which devices? 9a) How often? If any responses “mobile device w/internet or mobile w/o internet” (except n/a) 9b) How do you normally read on device? If anything in “academic content” row except “never” 9c) Where do you find content? 9d) How much time? 10) How do you like to receive info? Sometimes if nothing is checked in reading academic content, 9a skips to end (shouldn’t do that) Sometimes 9d skips to end instead of to 10
11) How often send text messages/ s to self? 12) How do you find new tools? 13) How often use library services? 14) How often use mobile library? 15) Barriers to use 16) Survey on mobile 17) comments End survey