Emerging Trends in Community College Finance Morris W. Beverage, Jr., E.D.M. President Lakeland Community College
Nationally – Developing Strategies Outcome EconomicSocial Benefit Public (Community) Taxes Economic development Civic engagement Lower costs: welfare, healthcare, crime Private (Individual) Higher wages Employment flexibility Social status Quality of life for family
Nationally – Developing Strategies Public Support and Tuition Setting Strategies Reaping economic and social benefits of education PublicPrivate Tax revenues Decreased reliance on govt. support Productivity and Consumption Reduced crime Civic engagement Appreciation of diversity Adapt to technology, efficiencies Employment, salary, benefits Personal and professional mobility Savings Improved health Quality of life for family’s future Personal status Improved leisure
Public Policy Issues Knowledge Economy Human Obsolescence Economic Development (as compared to Marketplace Development)
Public Community College Revenues by Source
Trends: Revenue Sources $31.5 Billion State Support – 37% Tuition and Fees – 19% Local Support – 17% Governmental Grants – 14% All Other – 13%
Developmental Learning Convenience Affordability Enrollment Growth Risk Factors of Students Ohio – Policy Issues
Ohio - Developing Strategies Funding tied to Performance Emphasis on Degree Attainment/ Persistence Accountability and Efficiency Measures Economic Leadership
Ohio State Share of Instruction Methodology : 1.Collect Resource Analysis Cost for Each Subject Field-Level of Instruction Combination 2.Adjust the historical Resource Analysis Cost per FTE for costs paid from sources outside of SSI or Student Fees 3.Normalize each of the years cost by inflating the costs to the last available years data using historical CPI-U data. Estimate cost for the funding period using estimated HECA. 4.Collect Subsidy Eligible FTE 5.Calculate the 2-year and 5-year average FTE. 6.Higher Education Funding Commission Priority Weightings for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine, and Graduate by model. 7.Calculate the Uniform SSI by Campus, Subject Field, and Level of Instruction for both the 2-year and 5-year average FTE. 8.Calculate the Doctoral Set Aside for each institution with doctoral instruction 9.Calculate the NASF POM Protection for each campus. 10.Calculate the Stop Loss for each campus. 11.Calculate the Capital Deduction for Each Institution. 12.Notwithstanding the Calculation provide for sector level appropriations. Ohio - State Support of Instruction
Local Commitments Diverse, Comprehensive Mission Access Quality Meeting the Needs of the Regional Community
Developing Local Strategies Federal Support Private Support Efficiency Efforts ◦Energy Management ◦Collaborative Management Tuition Policies ◦Differentiation ◦Discounting ◦Aid
Concluding Slide Thanks and such.