Goat Breeds ACT - Goat Breeds
DAIRY GOATS Dairy goat herds are found through out the U.S. but California and Texas leads in numbers. There are 5 common breeds and most are kept in small herds. They can also be used for meat. ACT - Goat Breeds
DAIRY GOATS French Alpine ACT - Goat Breeds
The ear is the distinctive characteristic of the breed. DAIRY GOATS LaMancha The ear is the distinctive characteristic of the breed. ACT - Goat Breeds
DAIRY GOATS Nubian ACT - Goat Breeds
DAIRY GOATS Saanen ACT - Goat Breeds
DAIRY GOATS Toggenburg ACT - Goat Breeds
ANGORA gOATS 95% of population found in Texas ACT - Goat Breeds
Sometimes called Brush Goats SPANISH gOATS Sometimes called Brush Goats Common in Texas ACT - Goat Breeds
Boer goats ACT - Goat Breeds
Known also as: Myotonic or Fainting goats Just say “BOO”! Known also as: Myotonic or Tennessee Woodenleg ACT - Goat Breeds
PYGMY GOATS 16 to 23 inches ACT - Goat Breeds
Phone: Toll Free (800) 357-3182 or (940) 380-8858 Address: 2701 Hartlee Field Road, Denton, TX 76208 Fax: (940) 381-1847 E-Mail: info@4act.com ACT - Goat Breeds