By Chrissy Shore & Megan Mosley ED 417
History People in Societies Geography Economics Government Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Social Skills and Methods
Activity #1: We will look at the various roles that men, women, and children play in each of the five holidays, (Divali, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Loy Krathong, and Chanukah) and watch a video on how certain cultures celebrate certain holidays. Activity #2: Students will create driedels, traditional Chanukah toys, from common materials and play the driedel game. Students will learn about the history of the driedel.
Activity #3: Children will listen to holiday songs about Divali, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Loy Krathong, and Chanukah. Then we will make up our own holiday song trying to include words from other cultures. Activity #4: Students will look up information on the internet about Laksmi (goddess of wealth) from the holiday Divali, and report back to the class one thing they learned about her. Activity #5: We will look at pictures and artifacts from each culture that represents each of the five holidays.
ataar_lakshmi.htmlhttp:// ataar_lakshmi.html card.htmlhttp:// card.html
Activity #1: The students will participate in a teacher lead Venn Diagram activity which emphasizes the similarities and differences among people who celebrate Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Divali, Chanukah, and Loy Krothong. Activity #2: The students will come to school dressed up in garments from one of the five holidays (Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Divali, Chanukah, and Loy Krothong) celebrated in other cultures.
Activity #3: The students will put on a play about how Jewish people celebrate Chanukah. Activity #4: The students will sing songs from the various five holidays that children would sing in that particular culture. Activity #5: During circle time, the students will learn five simple Swahili words from the African culture. m athong.htmlhttp:// athong.html g/diwali.html g/diwali.html
Activity #1: Each child will look at a map to see how far Africa is from the United States and then they will create a map of their own showing how far their house is from school. Activity #2: Students will watch a video about the releasing of the Krathongs into the river. Then we will see if we can find the river on the map and see if we can figure out the symbol for a river.
Activity #3: Children will compare the communities where Divali, Kwanzaa, Ramadan, Loy Krathong, and Chanukah are celebrated to identify similarities among them. Activity #4: The students will taste different foods that each culture eats during the celebrations of the five holidays. Activity #5: A guest speaker will come and speak to the students about Kwanzaa and about their country and what it is like to live there. The students will then discuss some similarities and differences they learned from the speaker.
ukah/ ukah/ g/ g/ card.html card.html
Activity #1: Students will watch a video on how to make Loy Krathongs, and look to see if the children have access to the same materials as we do here in the United States. Activity #2: Children will make Loy Krathongs using the same materials as the children used in the video. Children will learn that not all countries have access to the same resources as other countries.
Activity #3: Children will make a dessert from the Hindu culture which celebrates Divali. The students will learn about the different foods in the Hindu culture and learn how they produce such goods to create the dessert. Activity #4: Students will watch a video about how people in the African culture who celebrate Kwanzaa, get their food (ie. grocery, market, etc.). Then the class will go on a field trip to our local grocery and learn about our way of producing and exchanging goods and services. Activity #5: When the class returns from the grocery, we will make a compare and contrast chart of our markets to African markets. series.asp?id= http:// series.asp?id= /29424.htm /29424.htm mbols.htmlhttp:// mbols.html
Activity #1: The students will learn about different symbols associated with the five holidays and then create some out of construction paper. Activity #2: The children will learn about the different rules and laws in the other countries where these holidays are celebrated. Then, as a class, we will make a compare and contrast chart of all five countries. Activity #3: Children will learn about the rules associated with fasting during Ramadan and then create a rule chart and share with class.
Activity #4: Students will learn about how people in Africa vote (Kwanzaa). Then the children will create their own “kids voting”. They will vote on which holiday they think they would enjoy the most and give reasons to support their decision. Activity #5: Students will create a picture book and write one sentence about if they were an authority figure, how would they provide safety and security to individuals during holidays.
ws/indepth/holidays/lesson_helpers.asp ws/indepth/holidays/lesson_helpers.asp mbols.htmlhttp:// mbols.html
Activity #1: Children will make a clay figure of Laksmi (goddess of wealth). Then we will discuss what the peoples’ responsibilities are regarding the worshipping of Laksmi. Activity #2: Children will get into seven groups (representing the seven basic symbols of Kwanzaa). They will put on a skit for the class regarding each symbols’ importance.
Activity #3: Each student will design a mosque craft mobile. They will each then share with the class one of the responsibilities of the mosque. Activity #4: The children will watch a virtual tour of the releasing of the Krathongs. We will have a discussion about who they saw releasing the Krathongs (are all people allowed to participate in this celebration?). Activity #5: The students will write a letter to a Rabi and ask what his responsibilities are in his country. ay.htm
Activity #1: The teacher will take the children through a picture walk of a story about the holiday Divali. The children will make predictions before the teacher reads the book aloud. Activity #2: A parent will come in to speak to the class about Kwanzaa. The children will write a thank you letter to the parent. Activity #3: The children will watch a video about Loy Krathong. Then we will discuss other things that we could make to bring us good luck.
Activity #4: The children will listen to a tape about Ramadan. They will draw a picture of something they would be willing to give up during this holiday. Activity #5: A guest speaker will come in to speak with the students about the holiday Chanukah. Then we will make a compare and contrast chart between Chanukah and Christmas.
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