O’Reilly Tools of Change for Publishing Conference February 10, 2009 Rights and Licensing amidst Digital Change
Moderator: Ed Colleran, Senior Director, International Relations Copyright Clearance Center Panelists Nancy Ziser, Director, Digital Rights John Wiley & Sons Hadrien Gardeur, Founder Feedbooks Greg Merkle, Vice President, Creative Director, Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group
3 Disruptive change ►Explosion of Internet use and content creation 1.2 billion Internet users worldwide (up from 48 million in 1996) Creation and use of content is exploding 161 exabytes of digital content created and copied in 2006 Equal to 3 million times all the books ever written IDC estimate for 2010: 988 exabytes Today it takes 5 years to read the new scientific material produced every 24 hours ►Increasing pace of technological and business innovation Easy-to-use software tools for creation and participation Cost of copying and distribution is near zero Increasing bandwidth Growth of ad-supported business models ►Content and software now are inextricably linked through tools of value-added distribution and knowledge discovery
Recent Research on Digital Content ►Digital information is easily shared – without respect to copyright licensing 89% of information users regularly forward digital content to others Almost 70% of knowledge workers start their search on the open Web 60% believe it’s just fine to share free information from the open Web or from print sources 30% think it’s fine to share information they pay for online 45% purchase information independently and more than 50% say it’s okay to share it, assuming the purchase provision allows for this
Rights and Licensing amidst Digital Change Issues to be explored ►Discussion on new licensing models ►Social media tools-what’s new and where do we benefit? ►How are new aggregation models enhancing content use? ►Users freedom to create new content vs. the rights of the original content owner ►What are online communities doing with content? ►What impact is social media having on intellectual property? ►What and whose rights need to be considered? ►Revenue and branding opportunities
Thank you ►Edward Colleran ►Hadrien Gardeur ►Greg Merkle ►Nancy Ziser