Beginnings of Agriculture


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Presentation transcript:

Beginnings of Agriculture

Beginnings of Agriculture Main Idea The first farmers learned to grow plants and raise animals in the New Stone Age Farming changes societies and the way people lived

Beginnings of Agriculture Big Idea The development of agriculture brought great change to human society.

The First Farmers The Neolithic Era or the New Stone age Began 10,000 years ago

Question 1. What is the Neolithic Age known as? The New Stone Age 2. How many years ago was this era? 10,000 Years ago

The First Farmers During this age people polished stones, made tools and learned to make fire.

The First Farmers The Neolithic/New Stone age ended 5,000 years ago when they began making tools out of metal.

The First Famers Besides tools the biggest event was food production due to the warming and the end to the Ice Age.

The First Farmers Plants began to grow in new areas of Southwest Asia Wild Barley Wheat People began settling where these plants grew

The First Farmers Soon people realized they could plant the seeds and grow the plants themselves.

3. What were tools made from during the Neolithic Age. Questions 3. What were tools made from during the Neolithic Age. Stone, duh Stone Age 4. What type of plants grew in Southwest Asia that lead to the domestication of plant life? Wheat and Barley

The First Farmers The shift from Nomads - Hunters and Gathers

The First Farmers To Producing Food

The First Farmers It was the start of the Neolithic Age.

The First Farmers This first occurred in Southwest Asia

The First Farmers The process of farming plants and herding animals and to make them more useful to humans is called Domestication.

They were Hunters and Gatherers Question 5. As food production began it marked the start to the Neolithic age, how did nomads obtain their food before this era? They were Hunters and Gatherers 6. What is the process of farming plants and herding animals and to make them more useful to humans? Domestication

The First Farmers The Planting of Crops led to the development of Farming or Agriculture - the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.

The First Farmers This is the first time when people could produce food for themselves was important but when they learned how to use animals for their own purposes became equally as important.

The First Farmers There was no more hunting wild animals. Farmers would raise the animals in larger groups called Herds.

Sheep and Goats were used for milk, wool, and food. The First Farmers Sheep and Goats were used for milk, wool, and food.

The First Farmers Larger Animals helped in Agriculture and this all lead to civilizations increasing because they did not have to rely on hunting and gathering for survival.

8. What was Sheep and Goats used for? Questions 7. What is the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products? Agriculture 8. What was Sheep and Goats used for? Milk, Wool, Food

Farming Changes Societies The Neolithic revolution brought change

Farming Changes Societies With survival more certain people could focus on other activities instead of find food

Farming Changes Societies Domestication of Plants and Animals People could use Wool and Hides from the animals for clothing and shelter

Farming Changes Societies As populations grew Religion became a major part of the society.

Farming Changes Societies They performed religious ceremonies around Megaliths Huge stones used monuments or as religious sites

Farming Changes Societies Early people believed in Gods and Goddesses associated with the 4 elements 1. Air – 2. Water – 3. Fire – 4.Earth Also prayed to their ancestors

Questions 9. As population grew what became a major part of the society? Religion 10. What were the 4 elements early people worshiped? 1. Air – 2. Water – 3. Fire – 4.Earth