Creating an Integrated Advising Message Across Social Media and Online Platforms School of Arts & Sciences Rutgers University
Julie Traxler, Ed.D. Assistant Dean and Director of First Year Advising Courtney Stanzione, Ed.M. Assistant Dean and First Year Adviser Iris Zipkin, Ed.M. Assistant Dean and First Year Adviser
School of Arts & Sciences (over 70 broad major programs) 4,000 Undeclared first-year students (20,000+ total undergraduates) Fall schedule: students select courses and advisers finalize registration Spring schedule: students register online
Registration Preparation HOW:Online Systems WHAT:Course availability and registration policies WHY:Advising toward exploration WHEN:Registration by credits earned
Day-of: LiveChat Advising: 10pm-12am to triage problems Prep: October 20 - November 20 Individual Advising Appointments Approx 2800 appts = 11% Residence Hall Advising 14 programs run by advisers, students reached Registration Workshops Computer labs, hosted by staff and graduate interns students reached Online registration tutorial video THE PROBLEM: Numbers/ratios Advising not mandatory Resource-intensive Quickly outdated Difficulties at the advising counters
Meet the students where they are: ONLINE! Design comprehensive social media plan Utilize the best aspects of multiple platforms Anchor with #RUPrepared
Research hashtag and consider: Utility Longevity Search-ability Wacky hijinks Read it out loud. Read it again. Out loud. Visual identity of campaign Consider level of formality/informality Stock photos with University identity markers = formal communication style Memes are a more recognizable = casual outreach #Cowboysuk = Cowboys UK #WTFF = What the french fry #Hobbitch = Hobbit CH #nowthatcherisdead = Now Thatcher is dead, NOT Now that Cher is dead All would benefit from capitalization or underscore!
Fair use Purpose and character Nature of the work Portion used vs. whole Effect of use on value/ market Permission & Attribution Resources Content, Images & Copyright Issues
Consider the strengths of available platforms Blog: Narrative, ability to expound and discuss, embed images, link to relevant sites and other content Facebook: More detailed descriptions and increased opportunity for dialogue, connection to student groups Twitter: Quick links and promotions; links to Facebook and other U. offices
Blog Campaign promotion Degree audit tutorial Course Schedule Planner tutorial Rate My Professor commentary FB Links to blog with pitch Deadline reminders Promote advising and specific courses Answer quick questions Twitter Quick links to information Feed to Facebook Ground campaign, capitalize on retweets
MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 10/21 Premiere meme and hashtag & promote Major Fair 10/2210/2310/24 10/2710/28 #RUPrepared teaser on blog & signage in offices and Major Fair 10/2910/30 “Determine your registration date” w/links 10/31 Reminder to schedule Advising Appointments 11/311/411/5 Introduce Degree Audit Tools 11/6 SAS Core discussion & promote LiveChat 11/7 11/10 Course Schedule Planner tutorial 11/1111/12 Promote CSP post 11/1311/14 Rate My Professor post 11/17 Registration BuzzFeed memes 11/18 Students begin to register online 11/1911/20 Step 4: Create Calendar
Recruit to Twitter and FB Prep Repeated visual plugs for campaign Plug Send content to ALL staff who advise Partner
Post content directly Autopost to Facebook Hashtag
Lead in Link to further content Hashtag
Preview Description Link Hashtag Shares
Blog Teaser: 130 views Degree Audit: 425 views CSP: 234 views Rate my Prof: 373 views FB 20 Posts 2050 Views 1 Share Twitter 50+ Tweets 22 Retweets 36 Favorites
F’15 #RUPrepared Plan Build on F’14 effort Expand content Widen hashtag promotion Coordination with offices for shares, retweets More Assessment! Survey instruments for Res Hall programs, social media users, incentives Assess student use, recognition of hashtag
FB: SAS Office of Academic Services Advising Blog: Julie Courtney Stanzione Iris Zipkin