Chapter 1 Vocabulary Understanding Yourself
Heredity The sum of all traits passed on through genes from parents to children.
Environment Made up of everything that surrounds you.
Cultural heritage Made up of learned behaviors, beliefs, and languages that are passed from generation to generation.
Ethnic group A group of people who share common racial and/or cultural characteristics such as national origin, language, religion, and traditions.
Personality The total of all the behavioral qualities and traits that make up an individual; the way you feel, the way you think, the way you speak, the way you dress, and the way you relate to others.
Character Inner traits such as conscience, moral strength, and social attitudes; the inner you – that force that guides your conduct and behavior toward acceptable standards of right and wrong.
Empathy Caring people understand how others feel even when their own personal feelings may differ.
Fairness The ability to be honest and impartial – to act in an objective, unbiased way.
Respect To hold in high regard. Acting with consideration and even admiration toward people, laws, and property describes a respectful person.
Trustworthiness You can be relied upon; important in building strong relationships; relied on to keep promises; trusted to do their jobs to the best of their ability.
Responsibility Being accountable for your actions and obligations; you accept the consequences for what you do, good or bad.
Citizenship (as a character trait) refers to the quality of a person’s response to membership in a community; usually conferred upon you at birth; loyalty to country and community is expected of its citizens; if services or facilities are not as you would like, you have a duty to make them better.
Self-concept Your view of yourself; largely influenced by people around you and the way you interpreted their behaviors toward you.
Improving your self-concept Be realistic about your expectations of yourself Develop your talents and abilities Look for positive relationships with others Spend time doing activities you enjoy Spend time doing for others Develop a sense of humor
Self-esteem The sense of worth you attach to yourself – it’s a word used to describe a positive self-concept; a personal statement you make to yourself and your accomplishments.
Maturity Growth and development can be summarized in one word during the teen years – change; the change that occurs between childhood and adulthood.
Developmental tasks Challenges to meet your personal needs and handle new expectations placed on you by society; tasks or skills society has come to expect of people at various ages.
Needs Basic items that are required for living.
Self-actualization The need to develop to their full potential. Know what is important to them Have set goals for themselves and have reached many of them May strive for goals outside of themselves, such as a quest for beauty, truth, or justice Seeks self-fulfillment by expressing their true selves Accepting of their own weaknesses and those of others Are in tune reality
Wants Items people desire, but don’t need to survive.
Personal priorities The beliefs, feelings, and experiences you consider to be important and desirable Honesty Friendship Freedom Happiness Popularity Health Education Beauty or Status
Goals The aims people consciously try to reach; attaining something you wanted and considered important.
Short-term goals You can reach these goals in an hour, a day, or even a week.
Long-term goals You may need several months or even several year to reach these goals.
Visionary goals Goals that you don’t’ really expect to achieve and though you know you probably won’t reach these goals, they are worthwhile; they can inspire you to do more than you thought you were capable of doing; they can also add some interesting experiences to your life.
Steps in setting and achieving goals Make a list of what ou want our of life Consider your personal priorities-what’s most important List ways you could achieve your goals Make some definite plans Establish deadlines and rewards; deadlines, or time goals, help you direct your efforts.
Standards Accepted levels of achievement Appearance How well they do certain skills Quality of their possessions
Quality of life A phrase use to describe many factors that work together to foster personal well- being. Good health Environmental factors Emotional closeness Social ties Education opportunities Satisfying work
Management Wisely using means to achieve goals.
Decision A conscious or unconscious response to a problem or an issue. Impulsive decisions Habits Emulation (do what other people around you are doing) Creativity Default (the act of not making a decision)
Decision-making process 1. Define the problem or the decision to be made. 2. Establish your goals 3. Prioritize your goals 4. Look for resources 5. Identify alternatives 6. Make a decision 7. Carry out the decision 8. Evaluate the results of your decision The end