SURREY CLBC COMMUNITY COUNCIL Putting Community into Community Living.


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Presentation transcript:

SURREY CLBC COMMUNITY COUNCIL Putting Community into Community Living.

COMMUNITY COUNCILS Building Welcoming Communities Improving Accountability Financial Decision making

WELCOMING COMMUNITIES A key link with CLBC Expand networks & safeguards Creative solutions New local partnerships

IMPROVING ACCOUNTABILITY Monitoring & evaluation Identifying issues & concerns Input on staff selection

FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING Reviewing allocations & spending. Identifying gaps, overlaps and issues. Reshaping funding and services. Creative solutions to funding challenges. Priorities for new or reallocated funding. Feedback on financial decisions and priorities.

SETTING PRIORITIES Welcoming Communities Improving Accountability Financial Decisions Community Council Care

SURREY COMMUNITY COUNCIL Values Equal Opportunities For: Choice Self Advocacy - Making meaningful contributions Empowerment - Having a voice and being heard Participation - Community access and involvement

SURREY COMMUNITY COUNCIL Values cont. Citizenship & Community Inclusion - Sense of Belonging - Building Authentic/Genuine Relationships - Rights and Responsibilities Person Centered and/or Family Directed Planning Collaboration - Working and planning together - Teamwork

SURREY COMMUNITY COUNCIL Vision Equal opportunities and a complete range of options.

SURREY COMMUNITY COUNCIL Mission Statement “…representing community needs; building on community strengths…”

Mandate To create, sustain and nurture the mutual sharing of information, action, decision making and accountability between local CLBC management and community, towards the collective vision. SURREY COMMUNITY COUNCIL

KEY AREAS OF FOCUS 1. Community Education & Awareness 2. Council Care 3. Council Work 4. Shared Leadership with CLBC 5. Regional & Provincial Connection 6. Community and Families/Service Delivery

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA: COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND AWARENESS GOAL 1: To increase awareness of and access to services for service recipients and their families. Objective I:Educate ourselves (council members) about services and trends. Action Plan 1: -Invite guest speakers and council members with expertise to present on topical items. (ongoing) -Receive regular reports from CLBC. (ongoing) Objective II: Educate target groups about services and about the community council. Action Plan 2: - Each Task Force response to the council’s community conversations will connect with key target groups. (2009)

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA: COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND AWARENESS GOAL 2:Identify Community Issues. Objective I:Glean info from issues. Action Plan 3: Review Q & A from November 15, 2007  Action Plan 4: Integrate issues raised into Strategic Plan- thereby identify gaps. (2008)  Action Plan 5: Survey all CLBC Surrey service consumers (950) to identify community issues. (Fall/Winter 2008)  Action Plan 6: Follow-up surveys by phone to engage respondents in more in-depth dialogue about their areas of concern. (Winter 2008) 

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA: COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND AWARENESS cont’d Objective II:Ensure follow through on the information and intentions shared at the community meeting held November 15, Action Plan 7:Communicate a follow-up with Doug  Action Plan 8:Future meetings (ongoing) Action Plan 9:Establish Web site  (with capability to respond to community inquiries) (2009) Action Plan 10Obtain progress update on the range of options (residential options and employment initiatives) (ongoing)

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA: COMMUNITY EDUCATION AND AWARENESS cont’d Action Plan 11:Obtain progress report of accountability for agencies to do what they are paid to do in their contracts. Action Plan 12:Obtain progress update on the “getting money out of existing contracts (globally funded) and give it directly to families” for respite. Action Plan 13:List services available in different communities on the CLBC website. (2009) Action Plan 14:Obtain progress report on family members choosing between different group homes or day programs. Action Plan 15:Provide Residential Options video on request

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA: COUNCIL CARE GOAL 1: To ensure that we are making progress according to our goals. Objective I:Schedule time for an evaluation session every six months, each October and March. Action Plan 16:Assign monitoring and reporting out on specific objectives and or action plans to individual council members. GOAL 2: To ensure we are feeling positive body, mind and spirit about our involvement on the Council. Objective I: Social gathering Action Plan 17:Hold one meeting each year at a member’s home with time for socializing as the main focus of the evening.

ISSUE/AREA: COUNCIL WORK GOAL 1: To be a productive and effective community council. Objective I: To have a Strategic Plan in place by March  Action 18: To spend at least 30 minutes per Council meeting on this. (ongoing) Action 19: Chair makes sure it’s on the agenda. (ongoing) Action 20: Chair and manager to formulize information from today’s meeting for an upcoming community presentation.  SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES

ISSUE/AREA: COUNCIL WORK cont’d Objective II: Establishing a system of communication between stakeholders. Action 21: CPD Manager provides a monthly report. (ongoing) Action 22: Quality Service Manager provides quarterly reports and additional information as required. (ongoing) Action 23: Meeting minutes are distributed to Council Members before the meeting. (ongoing) Action 24: To establish a mechanism for receiving information. (March 2008) 

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA: COUNCIL WORK cont’d Objective IV:By creating an annual planning calendar Action Plan 25:Determine who will set and maintain.

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA:SHARED LEADERSHIP WITH CLBC Goal 1:To have clear ongoing and effective communication with CLBC. Objective I:The Counciil will facilitate feedback from our community. Action Plan 26: Send s and reports to CLBC via Sharon Rose. (ongoing) Action Plan 27: Designate a Council representative to attend Advisory Committee meetings.

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA:SHARED LEADERSHIP WITH CLBC cont’d Goal 2:To influence CLBC decision making at a community level. Objective I:Providing information gained by the council, stressing the need for a response in order to report back to the community. Action Plan 28: Provide a report based on Q and A’s from the community meeting in November. (2008) Action Plan 29: To prepare a formal recommendation to CLBC with regards to priority and proactive planning for those with aging parents as per the need highlighted in the Survey results. (2009)

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA:CONNECTION TO REGIONAL & PROVINCAL COUNCILS Goal 1:To nurture the larger collective voice when there are implications for the Surrey community. Objective I:Participate with and respond to all invitations from other councils to meet, dialogue, share strategies, etc. Action Plan 30: Chair and Vice Chair will meet with Lower Mainland Council Chairs. (January 2009  and ongoing) Action Plan 31: Regularly review the website postings of other councils and share key information with Surrey council members. (ongoing)

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA:CONNECTION TO REGIONAL & PROVINCAL COUNCILS cont. Goal 2:To harness expertise and experiences of other Councils. Objective I:To connect with other Council’s Members Action Plan 32: Chair & Vice Chair attended May 10 th joint meeting with Board and Provincial Council Chairs and Vice Chairs.  Action Plan 33:Vice Chair will connected with Kelowna Council member and others regarding surveying the community.  Action Plan 34:Council members will develop draft survey to be used in Surrey. To be reviewed and given input by all Council members, especially self-advocates. (Fall 2008) 

SURREY COUNCIL’S GOALS & OBJECTIVES ISSUE/AREA:COMMUNITY & FAMILY/SERVICE DELIVERY Goal 1:To facilitate an understanding of how Surrey community members can contribute to and be a part of a welcoming and inclusive community. Objective I:Increase understanding of what a welcoming community can be. Objective II:Increase awareness about issues that people with disabilities in Surrey face and what they deem is important to them. Action Plan 35:Invite key community stakeholders to participate in Survey follow-up focus groups, community forums, etc. to address those areas identified as critical for residents: (2009) a) TRANSPORTATION b) CONNECTIONS… - recreation and leisure activities for people of all ages - opportunities for life-long learning - employment

ISSUES OF CONCERN IN SURREY Community and Family/Service Delivery Themes Identified by Council … Housing Community safety Home support Resource access Transportation Bridging language and culture Employment & volunteer opportunities Recreation and Leisure

ISSUES OF CONCERN IN SURREY Community and Family/Service Delivery Themes Identified by Survey Respondents… Housing, home support and resource access for those with aging parents. (see Action Plan 29) Transportation (see Action Plan 35 a) keeping connected with others, and achieving a healthy balance between work, life-long learning and leisure activities. (see Action Plan 35 b)