Printed By ½ ₵ Editor: Patriot Paper Boss Lady By: Toriana The first ever event Ms. Grimes participated in at Freedom was when she was at assistant principal at Cherokee High School came to freedom to register the 8 th graders to 9 th graders. Ms. Grimes is over the top excited about this school year. It is the staff and students that make her happy. Ms. Grimes has been working at Freedom for two full years and this year would make her third year. Ms. Grimes says that being in charge is very hard, because she always wants the very best and it does not turn out the way sometimes. 9/4/15 Kat’s Elephants Beginning of our school year Dedicated to our awesome school and our awesome school mates. Kat’s Kids Some of the fun activities we are doing this year are basketball games, pep rallies, and spirit of the season. Ms. Grimes favorite color is red. Ms. Grimes favorite thing about Freedom is the staff and the students because they make her very happy. She is always ready to come to work to see them. Ms. Grimes favorite college team is Alabama…ROLL TIDE!!! Ms. Grimes favorite professional team is the New England Patriots. Her favorite sport to play is football and her favorite sport to watch is football. Freedom Middle School was established in August of We have two-school dances, one is the back to school bash and the other is the 8 th grade winter wonderland dance. The only fundraisers are the magazine sales and Menchies. Junior Boss Lady By: Randy I interviewed Ms. Gutierez. Her favorite sport is basketball. Her favorite college is NC State. Her favorite professional team is the Braves. Her favorite color is red. She has worked at Freedom for 3 years. Her favorite thing about Freedom is the people. She does not know every students name. Freedom was established in 2004, 2 years after I was born. She says it’s hard being in charge sometimes. We have winter and spring dances. We will have 14 fundraisers. We might have a Spring fundraiser. She is very excited for this school year. Some fun activities we will have is the back to school bash. The first event she was involved in at Freedom was the parent university in May of I thought she was a very nice lady. Volume 1, Edition 1
Printed By ½ ₵ Editor: Patriot Paper The Feelings Lady By: Josh The first question I asked Mrs. Moss is why did you become a counselor? Her reply was “I study phycology when I was in college, and my first job was counselor at a hospital.” The second question was How do you help kids calm down? She told me “We use art, games, sometimes relaxing music, and guided imagery.” The third question is what is your favorite sport? Her response was “Lacrosse and swimming.” The fourth question is what’s your favorite college football team? She said “My favorite college football team is Georgia Bulldogs.” The fifth question is have you ever taught an AIM class? She said “No I have never taught an AIM class.” The sixth question is before you were a counselor, did you student teach? Her response was “I Interned shipped before counseling.” The seventh question was Do you plan on retiring as a counselor or do you want to do something different? Her response was “Yes probably would retire and do private practice.” Kat’s Elephants Page 2 Counselor is Excited for 2015 at Freedom! By: Chris Mrs. Bridgewater became a counselor of our fabulous school in 2007, and was excited to assist uncomfortable students. She does her job best as she can, and she is an amazing part of our school. She is outraging with excitement on the fun events we have this year, such as our pep rallies, fundraisers, and parties. In some years, she plans to retire with no future plans, and I’m sure she will be missed. But for now, let’s celebrate what an awesome teacher/counselor she is. Have a great year at Freedom, Mrs. Bridgewater! Kat’s Kids What You Gonna Do When She Comes For You? By; Anthony On September 4, 2015 I interviewed Officer Buffkin. She was very nice and agreeable. I asked her if she has ever tazed anyone. She said she never has. I asked her if she has ever taken anyone to YDC. She said that she has taken someone there before and that YDC stands for Youth Detention Center. Kids up to 16 years old go there and anyone 17 and older go to adult jail. I then asked her what is the most trouble she has ever had to deal with at Freedom. She said she has had to deal with drugs before and that was the worst thing she has ever had to deal with at Freedom. I asked her if she liked getting to hang out with the kids. She told me that she loves hanging out with kids and getting to know them. It is her favorite part of the job. I also asked her if she liked being friends with the teachers. She does enjoy being friends with the teachers. Then I asked her how long she has been an officer. She said she has been one for 22 years. Do you ever get to drive the police motorcycle? Her answer was no, because she is not licensed to drive one, but she does know how to. I asked if she has ever had to chase someone down. She has chased people down several times. She enjoys running and is good at chasing people. I asked if people were nicer at Freedom than other schools. She said that people are nice at all schools. I asked her if she ever had to come to Freedom at night. She told me about a night she had to come because some kids broke into the school. They were never able to figure out who it was that did it. I asked what her favorite color was. She said blue. I asked about her favorite food. She said she LOVES shrimp. I asked her how hard it was to become a police officer. She told me it was tough because of all the laws she has to learn to do the job well. I asked if she ever had to pepper spray anyone. She told me that she has never had to and prefers to use her hands to take people down. I asked if she had to get pepper sprayed at the academy. She told me that she has been sprayed before but not at the academy. I asked her if she ever had to use her gun at Freedom. And finally I asked her if she had ever been tazed before. She said she never has been tazed and was glad for that. We had a good time during the interview and I was glad to do it and get to know her. It was a great day. Coach Blackwell By: Noah On September 2 nd, 2015, I interviewed Coach Blackwell. I asked him several questions to which he gladly responded. He said the first basketball game is in November. He said that of people that go to the basketball game The strangest things you have seen people wear to the games was Pajamas. He said that the next Pacer test was at the end of the year. His favorite sport is College Football. His favorite team is Alabama. Coach Blackwell was very nice for allowing me to do this interview. It helped answer a lot of questions about Freedom and Coach Blackwell and I enjoyed it very much. Coach Dunlap By: Blake The person I interviewed was Coach Dunlap. Her favorite team is the Georgia bulldogs. Her favorite sport is basketball. She is a PE coach. We will play soccer and battle ball in the gym. She said that a holey shirt is the silliest thing that anyone has worn. She said that 500 people go to the games. I think she is cool to be around. She is so nice that she traded ducks with her. Baller Boy By: Nathan The person I interviewed was Coach Blades. He coaches the 8 th grade boy’s basketball team. He likes all the UGA sports, the Hawks, and the Falcons. He played basketball at Woodstock High School and he faced Sequoyah. He said they were better than Sequoyah. The reason he did not play basketball in college because he decided to go to UGA rather than play. He was a nice guy.