Scientific Calculator in GW-BASIC Unit Portfolio Presentation Mohsin Gulzar
Unit Summary This Unit / Project will cover input statements, control statements, output statements, loops, conditional statements, user defined and built-in functions. Students will write Project Plan, Algorithms, create flow charts and finally code the project. Students will go through series of activities and by the end of the project, they will come up with a fully functional GW-BASIC based scientific calculator.
Curriculum Framing Questions Essential Question Where do we use complex mathematical calculations in daily life? Unit Questions: Why do we need scientific calculators in our daily life? Which statements are used to show output on BASIC Screen? What are input statements? What is the syntax of INPUT Statement? How can READ….DATA Statement help us in getting input from user? What are loops?
Curriculum Framing Question Content Question What are different parts of FOR…NEXT Loop? What is difference between FOR…NEXT and WHILE…WEND Loop? Name some Built-in functions. What are the programmatic logics behind the design of a scientific calculator? Which GW-Basic functions are we required to use to design a calculator?
21st Century Skills Critical Thinking by doing brainstorming Develop analytical skills by analyzing different solutions of project Develop interest towards use of technology Problem Solving and Decision making Time optimization
Assessment Gauging Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students already know and for what they are enthusiastic about GW-BASIC What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and how they will Code things in GW-BASIC How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? I will ask students to come up with two solutions of the project and do analytical comparison How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? This assessment will help me understand level of understanding of my students and then will carry things forward from there onwards. This way, there will not be a single student who will miss anything about GW-BASIC. Also, this will help me to figure out that which students need extra time or post/pre class consultation.
Goals and Objectives of this course For students Students will have skilled input and output statements. Students will learn Loops and their use case scenarios. Students will have learnt Conditional Statements like IF, IF..THEN etc. Students will have practiced Arrays during this project. Students will have skilled numeric built-in functions like COS, SIN, TAN, SQR Students will start “Thinking Big” and “Out of the box”
My Goals for this Course Develop interest of students in project based learning Share usage of different kinds of communication modes like Online forums, Online collaborative groups etc. Share ideas with other teachers
Assessment Timeline Before project work begins Students work on projects and complete tasks After project work is completed Take Home assignments Introductory sessions Interactive presentations Open Book Quizzes Small BASIC Programs like factorial, tables etc. Project Updates Web-References Impromptu questioning Project Demos Critical Analysis Project Scoring Guide Presentation 1-on-1 meetings Discussion Self-Assessment on Group Contribution