+ My life in 2022 Team : Eleonore Eléonore Bureau - Agathe Drapé France Sup’ Biotech Metnot : Melissa
+ Dream Job : Working sector We would like to work in the social sector In this job, we would be helping people 2
+ Dream Job : Schedules We would be pleased to get a job with flexible schedules Moreover, these schedules would allow us to work from home Have a real family life 3
+ Dream Job : Example We could develop from home medications and medical treatments adapted to one particular person This work sounds innovating, passionating and inspiring to us 4
+ Dream Job : Aims Our aims are : To be good and efficient at our work Have proper relationships with our partners Have a positive impact on our customers 5
+ Dream Job : Income Moreover, it sounds important to us to have a proper income Money consums our life time and our energy 6
+ Dream Education We think that it is important to be there an to be present to raise children Furthermore, it seems important for us to have both parents to educate children as properly as possible 7
+ Dream Education Our goals are : Make them travel a lot Broaden their minds Not restrict and lock them too much 8
+ Dream Education At school, we are expecting that : ➟ They learn languages as young as possible ➟ Their schedules include activities to develop and broaden their minds (sports, arts etc.) 9
+ Dream Education School and extra-school activities must be appropriate to the child interest For instance, we can not force an artistic child to do lot of sports. Whereas he has to do some for his body, but it should not be seen as a restiction 10