ESEA Renewal What does it Mean for Title I? Program Improvement and Family Support Branch Title I Administrative Meeting September 17, 2015
Transitioning to college- and career-ready standards and assessments (Principle 1) Developing systems of differentiated recognition, accountability, and support (Principle 2) Evaluating teacher and principal effectiveness and support improvement (Principle 3) Reducing duplication and unnecessary burden (Principle 4) Principles of ESEA Flexibility 2
ESEA Renewal A commitment to continue all work done under ESEA Flexibility A review of what we will do in the next 3 years SY , , This is not a look back, but a look forward
Principle 2 Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) will not be determined for this renewal New Priority, Focus and Reward Schools will be determined in January 2016 Agency Wide plan for supports for Priority and Focus Schools (and ultimately all schools) Exit Criteria for Priority and Focus Schools will be “what gets you in, gets you out”
Principle 2:Differentiation Blue Green Yellow Red Level I: Distinguished Meets or Exceeds Statewide, LEA and School Targets. Level II: Proficient Meeting most targets Level III: Persistent Low Performance Improvement Needed Improvement Needed Focus Schools -Gap narrowing targets not met. Focus Schools -Gap narrowing targets not met. Level IV: Persistent Low Performance Underperforming Priority Schools
Recognizing and Supporting All Schools SEA (All Optional) General Options Professional Learning Professional Development Title I Culture and Climate LEA (ALL OPTIONAL) General Options Professional Learning Professional Development Data Analysis Culture and Climate Level I Distinguished Schools SEA (ALL OPTIONAL) General Options Professional Learning Professional Development Title I Culture and Climate LEA (ALL OPTIONAL) General Options Professional Learning Professional Development Data Analysis Culture and Climate Level II Proficient Schools
SEA (ALL OPTIONAL) SEA General Options Professional Learning (Required for Focus Schools) Professional Development Title I (Required for Focus Schools) Early Childhood (Where appropriate) Culture and Climate LEA (All optional) General Options Professional Learning (Required for Focus Schools) Professional Development Data Analysis (Required for Focus Schools) Culture and Climate Level III Improvement Needed and Focus Schools
SEA General Options Professional Learning (Required for Priority Schools) Professional Development Title I (Required for Priority Schools) Early Childhood (Where appropriate) Culture and Climate (Required for Priority Schools) LEA General Options Professional Learning (Required for Priority Schools) Professional Development Data Analysis (Required for Priority Schools) Culture and Climate (Required for Priority Schools) Level IV Underperforming Schools and Priority Schools Note: All supports for non-Title I schools are optional at this time because the accountability model is still under development. Once the model has been complete, some supports will remain optional and others will become mandatory. Maryland will revisit these supports upon amendment of the accountability model. The Breakthrough Center will continue to provide support to the lowest performing schools in the State. (some Title I, some non-Title I) See pages in the approved plan for definitions of supports.
Reward Schools Maryland will only identify Highest Performing Reward Schools. In Maryland will identify both Highest Performing and Highest Progress Reward Schools. The various designations under Highest Performing Reward Schools has been eliminated.
Priority Schools Title I schools previously identified as priority schools that have not met the exit criteria. Beginning January 2016, Maryland will identify additional schools to meet the requirement of identifying 5% of the lowest performing Title I schools as Priority Schools. The new list will also contain the SIG eligible schools, as both lists for Cohort IV SIG and ESEA Flex will be the same. We anticipate 21 schools. Revised grant applications for SY New grant applications for SY
Focus Schools Focus schools are previously identified focus schools that have not met the exit criteria after three years. Maryland will identify additional schools to meet the minimum 10% of all Title I schools with large gaps between the highest performing subgroup and the lowest performing subgroup. We anticipate 41 schools. New grant applications for and beyond.
Exit Criteria for Priority Schools Must not be among the lowest 5% of Title I Schools or Title I eligible Schools based on the achievement of the “all students” group in terms of proficiency. A school may also exit if it is no longer a Title I school. A high school that is identified based on graduation rate may exit if the graduation rate is above 70% for two consecutive years.
Exit Criteria for Focus Schools No longer has the largest within-school gaps between the highest performing group and the lowest performing group. Demonstrates it is making progress in improving student achievement in the area that caused the identification. Must no longer be in the top 10% of Title I schools with a gap (the gap must have been reduced). High schools must have a graduation rate of above 70% for two consecutive years in addition to the above. The school was no longer a Title I school.
Exit Criteria Maryland will revisit these criteria in January 2016.
Funding Priority Title I, 1003a funds in and Title I, Part A (20%) Optional Title I, Part A Focus Title I, 1003a funds Optional Title I, Part A Approaching Targets No funding- may use carried over funds once an amendment to extend the grant period has occurred.
Link to ESEA Flex Documents x/index.html. x/index.html