Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School!
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Purpose Deepen our understanding of our role in creating collaborative environments for both staff members and students. Create a list of collective commitments that embodies the behaviors needed for advancing the vision/mission in the intended direction as established by the school.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Norms Stay focused on the work. Everyone participates respectfully. Limit sidebar conversations.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Essential Question What is challenging about building a school community where all staff members work together and share ideas freely?
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Reflection Think about the amount of time, effort, and the number of blanks completed while working on the word game independently. Compare that to completing the task in collaboration with staff members in terms of time, effort, and the amount completed.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! District Initiatives – Shared Goals Innovate : Using Writing in all courses to validate thinking. Engage : Strategies that allow students to read, talk and write during the entire school day to further their understanding through the use of the framework for intentional and targeted teaching. Empower : Strengthening PLCs by implementing a minimum of one hour weekly collaborative planning time in all schools for all instructional staff.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Shared Vision “ What do we hope to become at some point in the future? ”
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Our Shared Vision Lakeside Elementary School exists to prepare life-long learners for success in a global and competitive workplace in acquiring applicable life skills.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Mission Schools exist because their mission is “ learning ”.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Our Shared Mission Our mission is to work collaboratively with all stakeholders to provide a public education that is motivating, challenging and rewarding for all children. We will increase student achievement by providing students with learning opportunities that are rigorous, relevant and transcend beyond the boundaries of the school walls. We will ensure a working and learning environment built upon honesty, integrity, and respect. Through these values, we will maximize student potential and promote individual responsibility.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Values/Collective Commitments How must we behave daily to advance our vision/mission in the intended direction?
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Values/Collective Commitments From Beliefs to Behaviors From Thinking to Doing We will… statements
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Guiding Questions: When creating commitments: What are specific commitments we must honor to achieve our mission and vision? What are the specific behaviors we can exhibit to make a personal contribution to the success of our school? What commitments are we prepared to make to each other? What commitments or assurances are we prepared to make to every student in our school? What are the “must dos” and the taboos for this staff? What agreements are shared among all of us? When proposals are considered: Is this consistent with our purpose? Will it help us become the school we envision? Are we prepared to commit to do this? Will it enable us to achieve our goals?
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Example of Collective Commitments D eliver an effective, differentiated, and challenging curriculum I nsist on and model high expectations S essions of professional development to ensure implementation of best practices N eeds and progress of students will be openly communicated to students and parents E ncourage students to make choices that are safe, responsible, and respectful Y early monitoring and continuous celebrating of student and staff successes
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Collective Commitments for our school… Underline or circle the significant phrases or words in the vision/mission statements. Brainstorm with the personnel at your table, the behaviors we will need to commit to in order to make our vision/mission evident daily in our school. Align the behaviors with the significant phrases/words from the previous step. Collaborate with the personnel at your table to collectively create five “We will…” statements from the behaviors discussed in the previous step (refer to your examples).
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Collective Commitments for our school… Share your five statements with another table. Take your five statements and the table you are sharing with five statements and reduce those ten statements to five statements using the five finger voting technique. Use the five finger voting technique to confirm that the statement is one that your table agrees with and will support: 5 = I love it, 4 = I like it, 3 = I’m neutral, 2 = I don’t like it, 1 = I hate it. If all team members vote with 3, 4 or 5 fingers the statement is one everyone can live with. If anyone doesn’t like it or hates it, eliminate the statement. Be ready to share your combined five statements.
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School! Revisit - Essential Question What is challenging about building a school community where all staff members work together and share ideas freely?
Innovate, Engage and Empower Lakeside Elementary Proud to be an “A” School!