After the lesson we want the pupils to have a better understanding in how to … … respect and accept each other … value the importance of listen to everyone’s opinion … work together as a group
The goal of education is to prepare children and adults to meet the responsibilities of life and master challenges with others. Awareness of their own, and participation in the common cultural heritage provides a secure identity that is important to develop along with the ability to understand and empathize with others and their values
Vygotskij Social surroundings Language – speaking Scaffolding – proximal zone of development Kagan Co-operative learning
Break the ice Loosing up the tension in the group Work together as a group Achieve group mentality
Everyone has to show their own opinion No corner is the wrong corner – acceptance towards others opinion It’s being visualized everyone have different opinions
Cooperation Within the group With the other groups Communication Acceptance and respect Realistic
Increase the pupils awareness of what is important in a group work Increase their knowledge of why different opinions and attributes are an asset Respect and acceptance