Parliamentary Procedure Ag I Lesson 2
Main Motion Should be made to introduce an item of business Proper wording is “I move that…” – “I so move” and “I make a motion” are incorrect Should be made prior to debate on the item of business
Six Steps in Handling a Motion Making the Motion – Member rises and states “Mr./Mdm. President” – President States- the member’s name – “Sue” states – “I move we purchase jackets for our officers”
Six Steps in Handling a Main Motion Second – Person can call second without being recognized by the chair Chair States the Question – i.e.—motion has been moved and seconded that we purchase jackets for our officers” – Up to this point, the motion belongs to the proposer. After the chair states the motion, it belongs to the assembly
Six Steps in Handling a Main Motion Debate – Each member may debate each debatable motion twice for 10 minutes each time – Rules as to whom the chair selects to debate if more than one member rises at one to debate a motion are Proposer of the motion has the right to speak first. If none of the members rising to debate are the proposer of the motion, then call on the person who hasn’t debated up to that time.
Six Steps in Handling a Main Motion Chair Puts the Question – The Chair merely states- “All in favor of the motion to …. Say Aye, opposed say No, Nay or same sign.
Six Steps in Handling a Main Motion Vote – Notice the number of votes for and against – After the vote, the chair should state the result- “ The ayes (Nays) have it, the motion passes (fails) and the effect; We will (will not) purchase jackets for our officers.”
Amend Three ways to amend are – Add – Strike out – Both add and strike out Can only be one primary amendment and one secondary amendment (amendment to the amendment) to the main motion pending at any given time
Request for Information Information dealing with non- parliamentary items Can interrupt the speaker Proper wording– “Mr. Chairman, I rise to a point of information.”
Parliamentary Inquiry Questions dealing only with parliamentary procedure May be used instead of point of order if you are not sure that the person is out of order A “kinder” way of correcting a person who is out of order Proper wording is “Mr./Madame President I rise to a Parliamentary Inquiry.”
Refer to Committee Person making the motion to refer is usually appointed to the committee (unless referred to a standing committee) and is the committee chairman Proper wording is “I refer to a committee of three, appointed by the chair, the motion that….” or “I move to refer to the finance committee the motion that…”
Adjourn Can be made while other motions are pending Meeting is not adjourned until the chairman says so. After the motion to adjourn passes the chairman should hesitate prior to declaring the meeting adjourned Things which can occur after the motion to adjourn passes and before the chairman declared adjournment are – 1) Motion made to fix the time to which to adjourn – 2) Move to reconsider – 3) Move to reconsider and enter on the minutes – 4) Announcements