I. What is freedom of expression A. What basic rights are listed in this portion of the First Amendment? B. Why do you think these particular rights were included? C. Why do you think the Framers thought it was important to protect the freedom of expression in the Constitution?
A. What are the conflicting rights and interests in this case? B. In what ways is this case similar to the Tinker case? In what ways is it different?
I. How does the First Amendment protect Freedom of religion? II. Why did freedom of religion become an important principle in America? III. Can government limit your right to practice your religious beliefs?
I. How was the right of suffrage extended before the Civil War? White males that owned property II. How did African American men gain the right to vote? 13 th, 14th, and 15th amendments civil war amendments III. How did women gain the right to vote? 19 th amendment…convention that launched national movement by women to win the right to vote.
th, 14 th, 15 th,19 th, and 26 th 2.african americans-13 th,14 th,and 15 th amendments 18 yr. olds-26 th amendment Native Americans- indian citizenship act Women-19 th amendment
I. How did the supreme court interpret the equal protection clause in two separate cases?
I. What is due process of law? II. How can the rights of the individual and the rights of society conflict?