1 NMMSS Orientation Brian Horn Nuclear Regulatory Commission Peter Dessaules Department of Energy
2 NMMSS N uclear M aterials M anagement and S afeguards S ystem
3 NMMSS (continued) U.S. Governments’ database to track movements and inventories of nuclear materials –Owned by Department of Energy –Operated by Protection Services Inc. (PSI) in Germantown, Maryland –Nuclear Regulatory Commission utilizes NMMSS through a contract with DOE –Information submitted using joint forms (DOE/NRC Form 741, 742, 742c, 740m)
4 NMMSS (continued) Used to satisfy –Domestic needs of the Department of Energy –Domestic needs of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission –International needs of the U.S. Government
5 How do facilities fit into NMMSS? Facility data is fed into NMMSS Facility data undergoes various NMMSS edit checks Once your facility data is in NMMSS, it is a part of history NMMSS Reports are based on facility information submitted to, and processed by, NMMSS
6 Data flow into and out of NMMSS Licensee Facility #2 DOE Site #1 NRC Licensee Facility #1 DOE Site #2 License Facility DOE Sites -IAEA -Congress - Other Countries NMMSS Edit Data Checks Entered Into Database
7 Facilities report to NMMSS: Imports Exports Domestic movements Inventory Inventory adjustments “DOE-owned” Ownership changes
8 NMMSS data dates to world war-II era: 1940’s & 50’s: originally in ledgers 1960’s: placed in mainframe computer with punch cards Early 1990’s: Personal Computer system, using DOS & FoxPro Since 2009: PC Windows and SQL Server
9 NMMSS – abbreviations / terms (continued) Forms on which electronic submittals to NMMSS are based: –DOE/NRC Form-741 (Nuclear material Transaction Report) –DOE/NRC Form-742 (Material Balance Report) –DOE/NRC Form-742C (Physical Inventory Listing) –DOE/NRC Form-740M (Concise Note)
10 NMMSS – abbreviations / terms (continued) NMMSS generated guidance documents –D-23 (Personal Computer Data Input for Department of Energy Contractors) –D-24 (Personal Computer Data Input for Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensees)
11 NMMSS – abbreviations / terms RIS (Reporting Identification Symbol) D-2 (valid RIS codes for DOE sites) D-3 (valid RIS codes for licensee sites) D-15 (valid RIS codes for Foreign sites)
12 More Abbreviations / terms NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) Licensee (Company/individual who has received a license from NRC or State Government to possess and use nuclear material) Source material (natural uranium, depleted uranium, thorium) Special Nuclear Material (plutonium, U-233, or uranium enriched in U-233 or U-235)
13 More abbreviations / terms (continued) DOE (Department of Energy) –HSS-1.22 (Office of Information Management) –NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration) –RW (Office of Radioactive Waste) –EM (Office of Environmental Management) –LANL (Los Alamos National Laboratory) –SRS (Savannah River National Laboratory)
14 More abbreviations / terms (continued) MT (Material Type) [two digit code that identified to the mainframe computer which nuclear material is being reported] - transactions/movements of material - inventory of material
15 Valid MT’s for material transactions 10 = Depleted uranium 81 = Natural uranium 88 = Thorium 70 = U = enriched uranium 89= Uranium in cascade 50 = Plutonium 83 = Pu = Pu = Enriched Lithium 44 = Americium = Americium = Curium 48 = Californium 82 = Neptunium = Deuterium 87 = Tritium
16 Data security NMMSS protects your data Physical gaps between NMMSS database and outside world Only the NMMSS operator can directly access data from NMMSS database We are very protective of your data submitted to NMMSS
17 One system – two sets of rules DOE and NRC have slightly different needs and requirements of NMMSS DOE: –NMMSS tracks 17 DOE-owned materials –DOE requires each DOE sites to report inventories every Sept. 30th NRC: –NMMSS tracks 8 materials located at licensee sites –NRC requires each licensee to report inventory at least once a year
18 NRC inventory reporting requirements Category-1 fuel cycle sites –March 31 and September 30 Other Fuel cycle sites & reactors –Yearly inventory taking Licensees with less than 350 grams of fissile material –Between January 1 and March 31
19 NRC requires licensees to report eight materials to NMMSS: -Depleted uranium - Natural uranium -Thorium - U U- 235 in enriched uranium - Uranium in cascade -Plutonium - Pu-238
20 DOE requires seventeen DOE-owned materials to be report to NMMSS: - Depleted uranium- Natural uranium -Thorium- U U- 235 in enriched uranium- Uranium in cascade -Plutonium- Pu Pu Enriched Lithium -Americium Americium Curium- Californium -Neptunium Deuterium -Tritium
21 Reporting units to NMMSS: KilogramGramOther units Depleted uraniumU- 233 Pu- 238 (0.1 g) Natural uraniumUranium in cascade Tritium (0.01 g) ThoriumU- 235 in enriched uranium Deuterium (0.1kg) Enriched LithiumPlutonium Cf (1 micro gram) Pu- 242 Americium- 241 Americium- 243 Curium Neptunium- 237
22 NMMSS and Treaties Reports to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): –Imports/exports of nuclear materials -monthly –Imports/exports of uranium ore concentrates- monthly –Inventories, movements of nuclear materials for “IAEA selected” facilities-monthly –Quantity of civilian plutonium-yearly
23 NMMSS and Treaties, cont. Agreements for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation: –imports, exports, production and inventories of nuclear materials subject to Agreement (obligation codes) DOE/Minatome HEU Transparency Program –Imports, exports and transfers of nuclear materials subject to Program (“WR” obligation code)
24 NMMSS Assistance to Facilities – Free! Safeguards Management Software (SAMS) NMMSS Reports (as requested) Telephone discussions with NMMSS staff NMMSS Users Annual Training Meeting NMMSS Newsletter – sent electronically NMMSS Training courses
25 NMMSS Users and Training Meeting The meeting is for your benefit! Ask questions Share your knowledge and thoughts (both in the meeting and in the hallways) Respect the views of others If you hear something that sounds wrong, seek clarification. Changes occur because of discussions and suggestions made at these annual meetings.