Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb. 2007 “…that the church may receive edifying.”


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Presentation transcript:

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.”

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Offering suggestions for young men so they can better serve in the assembly of the local church of Christ “…that the church may receive edifying.” In Remembrance Of Me

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” An opening observation… Notice the teaching in 1 Cor 14 Context = the use/practice of spiritual gifts possessed by the Corinthians, especially in their public worship assemblies Use of spiritual gift was to “edify the church” vv. 5, 26, 40

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” General Introduction What is required for this class? Ê Faithful living for Christ Hypocrisy is not to be found in Christians Mt 7:5 Rom 2:1, 3 1 Pet 2:1-3 Trying to improve how we worship God publicly is a waste of time if we are not privately committed to Him cp. Titus 1:16

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” General Introduction What is required for this class? Ë A real desire for self-improvement If we decide to “show up” just because we think the elders want us here or we think everyone else (our friends) will come, we won’t improve In almost every endeavor, if one WANTS to bad enough, he CAN

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” General Introduction What is required for this class? Ì An honest effort from a true heart At first, the unknown or new is uncomfortable Yet, after time and practice, the uncomfortable becomes comfortable We will help in this way by doing drills/practice Adopt the motto Ù “I’ll try my best!”

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” General Introduction Topics we’ll cover in this class… Public reading of the word of God Public prayers Talks when presiding over the Lord’s Supper Extending the invitation on Wednesday

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer It is scriptural for prayers to be led in public or when Christians are gathered The early church in their worship Acts 2:42 Early Christians when facing opposition Acts 4:23 Early Christians when concerned for a brother Acts 12:12

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer There are certain principles to be remembered that govern prayer Principles that apply to both private and public prayers…but esp. public Ê Only those who have obeyed the gospel have the right of prayer…can call God “Father” 1 Pet 3:12 Gal 3:26

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer There are certain principles to be remembered that govern prayer Principles that apply to both private and public prayers…but esp. public Ë Those who pray must be righteous Jas 5:16 Especially when praying for others Unrighteous people “won’t avail much” in prayer

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer There are certain principles to be remembered that govern prayer Principles that apply to both private and public prayers…but esp. public Ì Prayers are not for “self-glory” Mt 6:5-8 The very nature of praying admits dependence Praying “to be seen of men” is empty, shallow

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Some practical suggestions to keep in mind when praying publicly… Proper voice volume Speak to be heard Others will want to be able to say the “Amen” with you cp. 1 Cor 14:16

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Some practical suggestions to keep in mind when praying publicly… Use the amplification system Come to the front, use the microphone If people are standing, use the podium mic If people are sitting, can use the Lord’s Table mic Be considerate of our aged brethren

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Some practical suggestions to keep in mind when praying publicly… The proper prayer for the proper occasion What is an appropriate opening prayer? What should be said in the closing prayer? What should be prayed when we’re serving at the Lord’s Table?

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Some things to avoid when praying publicly… Trying to pray like someone else (father, etc) Speaking only for self – you’re leading others Vain repetitions cp. Mt 6:7 “Traditional” phrases that are over-used

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Prayers recorded in the Bible Examining prayers found in the Scripture would help improve prayers we publicly lead Daniel Dan 9:3-19 Nehemiah Neh 1:4-11 Model prayer taught by Jesus Mt 6:9-13

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Prayers recorded in the Bible Daniel Dan 9:3-19 Praise of God, His faithfulness, His awesomeness v. 4 Acknowledgement of sin vv Behavior against God’s ordinances A refusal to heed God’s prophets

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Prayers recorded in the Bible Daniel Dan 9:3-19 A request for God’s mercy vv An appeal for God to turn away His wrath

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Prayers recorded in the Bible Nehemiah Neh 1:5-11 Praise of God, His faithfulness, His preservation of the covenant v. 5 A request to have his prayer heard v. 6a Acknowledgement of sin vv. 6b-7

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Prayers recorded in the Bible Nehemiah Neh 1:5-11 Requests vv For God to remember what He declared He would do for a penitent Judah vv For God to grant Nehemiah success as he prepared to ask the king a favor v. 11

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Prayers recorded in the Bible Jesus’ model prayer Mt 6:9-13 Praise of God, His holy name v. 9 Acknowledgement of God’s will having sway everywhere (heaven & earth) v. 10 Requests vv a For daily necessities v. 11

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.” Leading Public Prayer Prayers recorded in the Bible Jesus’ model prayer Mt 6:9-13 Requests vv a For forgiveness v. 12 For providential help in not being led into temptation to commit sin v. 13a Closing praise, acknowledgement v. 13b

Young Men’s Worship Service Training Class Eastside church of Christ – Feb “…that the church may receive edifying.”