Narrative Budgeting Anglican Diocese of Ottawa Stewardship Education Team October 14, 2006
Today’s Agenda 8:30-9:00 Registration 9:00-9:15Networking and Welcome 9:15-9:45Present status of Stewardship in the Diocese 9:45-10:00Update from Parishes re: Visioning, Stewardship Plan 10:00-10:30 Module presentation 10:30-10:45BREAK 10:45-11:30Module presentation (cont’d) Resources 11:30-11:45Future Modules- discussion as to needs of the Parishes 11:45-12:00Evaluation 12:00Closing Prayer HAVE A SAFE JOURNEY HOME
Goal of the Stewardship Education Team To create nine education modules over a three year period that will provide parishes with a broad knowledge base for increasing the level of stewardship in the parish
Present Situation of the Diocesan Stewardship Development Initiative
Where Have We Been? 2004 Synod Letting Down the Nets Diocesan Stewardship Conference Visioning Workshop
At the Visioning Seminar Articulate a discerned will of God Clear Concise Collaborative Consultative Memorable Invite Participation
Where are you in the process? What visioning work have you done in your parish since the first session? Discussion at Parish Council level ? Visioning Day with Parish Community? Community Consultation?
Today We will talk about Narrative Budgeting Attributes As the “Sacred Story” of a Parish Focus on ministry, includes an appreciation of the time, talents, and treasure utilized Not an exact science
Future Modules What are your needs?
Evaluation Please take time to share your thoughts