Vocation of the Catechist Festival of Modules (July 2015) Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Take a moment to prepare yourself to listen to the gift of God’s Word in Sacred Scripture. In silence, center yourself to become more prayerful as you remind yourself of God’s gracious presence.
Opening Prayer (Samuel 3: 1-10) Prayer service based upon Samuel 3: 1-10 (Prayer Service is attached as a Handout.). After numerous calls from God, Samuel answers: “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” It’s possible that you answered the call to be a catechist the first time the Lord spoke to you. However, many of us are more like Samuel: it takes a shaking to recognize God’s request and design over our lives.
Opening Prayer (Samuel 3: 1-10) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcxOkht8w7c Prayer service based upon Samuel 3: 1-10 (Prayer Service is attached as a Handout.). After numerous calls from God, Samuel answers: “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.” It’s possible that you answered the call to be a catechist the first time the Lord spoke to you. However, many of us are more like Samuel: it takes a shaking to recognize God’s request and design over our lives.
Small Group Activity In groups of 4, introduce yourself tell what age level of learners you work with share your personal stories of your “call” to be a catechist. Activity: Catechist models by sharing a story of his/her “call” to be a catechist. Whether it was during prayer or they were tapped on the shoulder by their DRE, it is still a call. In groups of 4, ask learners to introduce themselves, to tell what age level of learners that work with, and to share their personal stories of their “call.” Nomination share: Ask for a nomination of oneself OR nominate someone in your group who had an interesting story of their call to be a catechist. Tell group that there is only time for 3 people to share.
As a catechist… What does it mean to be “called”? Who does the “calling”? How and why should we respond? Ask: What does it mean to be “called”? Who does the “calling”? How and why should we respond? [Probe deeper for answers here.] (Their responses to these questions will vary and informs the facilitator as to this group’s current understanding.)
Essential Question for this Module… Why is my answer to God’s call to be a catechist an essential response to my Baptismal call? Share (and post for the entire lesson) the Essential Question: Why is my answer to God’s call to be a catechist essential as a response to my Baptismal call?
Activity #1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt3z90U-x1w (Luke 5:1-11) Before we address this essential question for this lesson, let’s examine how God called people in the Bible. Activity #1 (Luke 5:1-11) Preview Sacred Scripture: Luke tells us about Jesus’ call of Simon Peter, our first pope. Listen as this passage is read and be ready to share how you think Peter felt being called. Read Scripture. Discuss responses to “purpose for listening” question.
We are called at Baptism… (MA 5.1.5) Through Baptism, Catholics are called to foster spiritual growth within themselves and to promote Christian values in their families, parishes and communities. [CCC#1254-1255, 1279, 2255] (MA 2.4.7) In Baptism, Christian disciples share in the priesthood of Christ, in his prophetic and royal mission. [CCC#1268, 1279, 1546, 1591] Closure: Our Catechetical Framework for Lifelong Faith Formation tells us that we are called at Baptism! (MA 5.1.5) Through Baptism, Catholics are called to foster spiritual growth within themselves and to promote Christian values in their families, parishes and communities. [CCC#1254-1255, 1279, 2255] As catechists, we have a special ministry. (MA 2.4.7) – In Baptism, Christian disciples share in the priesthood of Christ, in his prophetic and royal mission. [CCC#1268, 1279, 1546, 1591] TRANSITION: So if we are baptized and “called”…what is God’s plan for me?
“What is God’s Plan for Me?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK2O_e-kxZ0&index=3&list=PLkQfCRwAmxOSApt6V0dyeTq6o0eeqGP-V Show the 2 minute/54 second video: “What is God’s Plan for Me?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK2O_e-kxZ0&index=3&list=PLkQfCRwAmxOSApt6V0dyeTq6o0eeqGP-V After viewing the video, ask: How is being a catechist God’s plan for me? (Share responses.)
Co-Workers in the Vineyard Through Baptism, we put on Christ and become members of his Body. We are initiated into the Christian community and called to a holiness of life in the world befitting disciples of Jesus. But through all three Sacraments of Initiation, we are called to something more: to embrace Christ’s mission of salvation. Baptism initiates all into the one priesthood of Christ, giving each of the baptized, in different ways, a share in his priestly, prophetic, and kingly work. And so every one of the baptized, confirmed in faith through the gifts of God’s Spirit according to his or her calling, is incorporated into the fullness of Christ’s mission to celebrate, proclaim, and serve the reign of God. [Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord, USCCB, 2005, p. 18]. In our Baptismal Rite, during the Blessing of the Water [222.C] the presider says: (God) calls those who have been baptized to announce the Good News of Jesus Christ to people everywhere.” Additional Supporting Information for Facilitator: The meaning of Catechesis is to “Echo” the Good News. Therefore by your very baptism you are called to be catechists. (Vatican II document) Lumen Gentium (IV) Christ the great prophet—who proclaimed the Kingdom of His Father both by the testimony of His Life and the power of His words—continually fulfills His prophetic office until the complete manifestation of glory….the laity go forth as powerful proclaimers of a faith in things to be hoped for, when they courageously join to their profession laity a life springing from faith. (LG 35) From the GDC (General Directory of Catechesis) - #231 “The vocation of the laity to catechesis springs from the sacrament of Baptism. It is strengthened by the sacrament of Confirmation. Through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation they participate in the “priestly, prophetic and kingly ministry of Christ.” (184) In addition to the common vocation of the apostolate, some lay people feel called interiorly by God to assume the service of catechist.”
Qualities of an Ideal Catechist Activity #2 Qualities of an Ideal Catechist Human Spiritual Intellectual Pastoral Activity #2 – If God IS calling me to be a catechist, how might I answer that call and be the best catechist I can be? Ask catechists to think of an “ideal” catechist, (or teacher, family member or friend with whom you have grown in your faith formation). Ask each to think of ONE person that they know or knew in their lives and who has (had) been a role model for them in their catechetical ministry thus far. Write that person’s name on the top of a page. Then, list all the qualities that this person possesses (possessed). Facilitator should model this thinking by sharing a quality (and explanation) of a great catechist in his/her life to assure that the directions for this activity are clear. Turn & Talk with a partner and share the qualities you listed for your “ideal” catechist. Next, ask them to discern which qualities they have at the present time. Ask them to list those qualities. Distribute the handout: “USCCB Subcommittee on Service Certification Standards for Specialized Ecclesial Ministries.” Explain to the catechists that the USCCB subcommittee on service certification standards for specialized ecclesial ministries articulates 4 areas for the role of the catechist: Human, Spiritual, Intellectual, and Pastoral.
Self-Reflection (Mystogogical Moment) Self-Reflection: Finally, ask all to think about themselves as a catechist …which qualities they now possess and in which areas articulated by the USCCB standards that might need strengthening and/or personal attention. Allow time for self-reflection.
Debrief/ Formative Evaluation/ Checking for Understanding: As baptized Catholics, we are always continuing our personal lifelong faith formation journey. Your sincere reflection just now as to your areas of strength and those in which you need more growth as a catechist will serve you well as you continue to hear the call from God in this catechetical ministry.
Final Thoughts/Comments: God doesn’t call the qualified, he qualifies the called. Recognize that your call IS a ministry; you are not just a volunteer! You are a disciple of Christ formed to call other disciples. Recognize your gifts; pray for more gifts as they are given by God who called you.
Self-Reflection (Mystogogical Moment) Why did I enter this ministry rather than another? Am I living a life in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic Church so as to be an authentic witness of the Catholic faith to those I teach? With whom would you want to dialogue with in order to share your catechetical gifts from the Holy Spirit? With whom would you need to “shadow” (i.e. plan with, co-teach with, observe, attend professional development sessions with) in order to learn and extend your abilities as a catechist? Give them 10 minutes Rhetorical Questions for Self-Reflection only: Why did I enter this ministry rather than another? Am I living a life in conformity with the teachings of the Catholic Church so as to be an authentic witness of the Catholic faith to those I teach? Connect your strengths (and areas needing growth) as a catechist to other catechists in your parish. With whom would you want to dialogue with in order to share your catechetical gifts from the Holy Spirit? With whom would you need to “shadow” (i.e. plan with, co-teach with, observe, attend professional development sessions with) in order to learn and extend your abilities as a catechist?
Personal Commitment to Action If I know God called me to be a catechist and if I know my ministerial areas of strength and those needing growth, how do I plan on improving myself as a catechist? Ask catechists to make a personal commitment to action/ a personal action plan. Distribute blank envelopes and let catechists self-address one. Ask them to write their action plan, put it in the envelope and seal it. Tell them that you will mail these to them in one month as a reminder of their commitment.
Exit Slip On your “exit slip,” answer this module’s Essential Question: Why is my answer to God’s call to be a catechist an essential response to my Baptismal call? Then, please answer this question: What was the most helpful part of this 2-hour module that helped you answer the Essential Question? Distribute ONE index card to each participant. Your exit slip/ ticket out of this session – as well as an evaluation measure. Thank You!!!
Closing Prayer (Matthew 28: 16-20) The eleven 9 disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. 17 10 When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. 18 11 Then Jesus approached and said to them, "All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go, therefore, 12 and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. 13 And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."