E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing 1 Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project proposal
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Devices: DSPC6000, dsPIC, FPGA… Topics: digital filtering, adc and dac, interfaces, peripheral implementations… Devices and Topics 2
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Teams Individual and team (with 2 members in each group) activities are allowed. Each “group” will be provided with a DSP/FPGA board. You can use your personal computer or a Lab machine to manipulate the boards, as long as the required software is installed. Following is the grading criteria with a total of 10 points for any projects. But different projects may carry different weights in your final grade. –Project report: 30% –Original contribution: 10% –Oral discussion: 60% Typically, all members in a team will get the same grade for a project, unless the team leader or other members report that someone contributes little to the project and he/she should get only a certain percentage (e.g., 90%) of the team’s grade.
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals PIC based digital filter implementation Reference: AN852 E&nodeId=1824&appnote=en012035http:// E&nodeId=1824&appnote=en
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals DTMF detection on a PIC microcontroller Reference: AN257 E&nodeId=1824&appnote=en024294http:// E&nodeId=1824&appnote=en
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals PS/2 keyboard to PIC connection Reference: PyroElectro Tutorial tmlhttp:// tml 6
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals PIC based sine wave generation and arcsin computation LUT based with linear interpolation 7
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals DAC implementation using PIC PWM Extraction of a rectangular square DC-component 8
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals PIC based low-cost AD converter Based on current balancing ion_for_Embedded_Systemshttp:// ion_for_Embedded_Systems 9
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals PIC based TrueRMS-to-DC converter Inspired by power meter E&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en520559http:// E&nodeId=1406&dDocName=en
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals Use of NI LabVIEW DSP builder with the C
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals FPGA implementation of a quadrature decoder 12
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals FPGA implementation of the miniCPU 13
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals FPGA projects from eewiki isplay/LOGIC/Ho mehttp://eewiki.net/d isplay/LOGIC/Ho me PWM generator PS/2 interface SPI interface (slave/master) Pseudo Noise generator 14
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals FPGA cordic implementation Use of VHDL for complex signal computation 15
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals FPGA filter implementation Implementation based on Distributed Arithmetic ; ; 16
E. Sisinni – Digital Systems for Signal Processing Project Proposals FPGA implementation of a simple sigma-delta ADC signs/simplesigmadeltaadc.cfmhttp:// signs/simplesigmadeltaadc.cfm 17