Magna Carta (1215) Agreement between the English Nobles and King John Limits kings power by protecting nobles from unfair rules and laws
Rule of Law Government is based on clear and fairly enforced laws No one is above the law – not even the king!
Due Process: No one can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without fair legal procedures and safeguards trial by jury right to lawyer. right to remain silent search warrants Habeas Corpus: right of the accused to be brought before a judge and be charged with a crime (48 hours)
Mayflower Compact (1620) First example of direct democracy in colonies Signed by 41 men on Mayflower
Virginia House of Burgesses: 1 st example of Representative Democracy / Republic / Indirect (1619)
Written by Thomas Jefferson Approved on July 4 th, 1776 by the Second Continental Congress
Our 1 st attempt at NATIONAL government State governments existed as well Confederation: Power is concentrated in the states and not the national government Bad experience under the strong central government of Britain Allowed states to do their own thing, but prohibited the states from acting as one nation to solve problems facing the young USA