Coordinators:Assistant Professor Dr.Marius Matei Prof.Dr. Horatiu Suciu Prof.Dr. Horatiu Suciu
Patent Ductus Arteriosus Patent Ductus Arteriosus persistence communication Definition : PDA represent postpartum persistence of the embryological communication between distal area of Aortic Isthmus and left Pulmonary Artery. Simptoms: vary with the size of the defect and whether the baby is full-term or premature. fatigue fatigue while eating malnutrition growth deficiency tachypnea tachycardia Sweating Sweating during crying or eating Complications : congestive heart failure bronchopulmonary dysplasia necrotizing enterocolitis intracranial hemorrhage renal insuficiency
OBJECTIVES T he aim of my study is to evaluate by a descriptive survey the PDA records of Cardiovascular Diseases and Transplant Institute-Tg.Mures and to state some conclusions related to clinical and therapeutic approach of this pathology. Points of interest: Mean age of the patients at the surgical intervention time Gender distribution Prevalence association of PDA with other Congenital Heart Defects Prevalence association of PDA with other Congenital Heart Defects depending on gender Mean weight /height at the time of surgery time Association between Down Sindrom and PDA+other malformations; The frequency of different Congenital Heart Defects that require maintaining Patency of the ductus. T he aim of my study is to evaluate by a descriptive survey the PDA records of Cardiovascular Diseases and Transplant Institute-Tg.Mures and to state some conclusions related to clinical and therapeutic approach of this pathology. Points of interest: Mean age of the patients at the surgical intervention time Gender distribution Prevalence association of PDA with other Congenital Heart Defects Prevalence association of PDA with other Congenital Heart Defects depending on gender Mean weight /height at the time of surgery time Association between Down Sindrom and PDA+other malformations; The frequency of different Congenital Heart Defects that require maintaining Patency of the ductus.
Material and Method Material and Method Type of study: descriptive and analytical study, retrospective Location : Cardiovascular Disease and Transplant Institute in Targu Mures 343 medical records : 188females~55% and 155 males~45% Time period of study: from January 5th 2011 to December 23th Data collected: age, sex, weight, length, type of CHD associated with PDA Type of study: descriptive and analytical study, retrospective Location : Cardiovascular Disease and Transplant Institute in Targu Mures 343 medical records : 188females~55% and 155 males~45% Time period of study: from January 5th 2011 to December 23th Data collected: age, sex, weight, length, type of CHD associated with PDA The datas were analyzed by SPSS software and Chi-Square test was used to compare variables between groups.
RESULTS Mean age of the patients at the time of surgery
WEIGHT(kg)HEIGHT(cm) Number of values343 Minimum1,10037,00 Median5,30063,00 Maximum53,00161,0 Mean8,44871,73 Std. Deviation7,78023,74 The Mean Weight and Height at the time of surgery
Prevalence and association of PDA with other Congenital Heart Defects
Fallot Tetralogy/Gender p=0,015
Fallot Tetralogy/Ductal dependent Fallot Tetralogy/Ductal dependent circulation circulation p=0,028 p=0,028
Aortic Coarctation/Ductus Aortic Coarctation/Ductus dependent circulation p=0,000 dependent circulation p=0,000 RESULTS
Pulmonary Valve/Branch Atresia//Ductus dependent circulation Pulmonary Valve/Branch Atresia//Ductus dependent circulation p=0,000 p=0,000 RESULTS
CONCLUSIONS 1.Gender equality regarding the incidence of PDA; 2. The association between PDA+FT,PDA+Aortic Coarctation and PDA+TGA have a higher frequency in males than in females 3. Isolated PDA is more frequent in females than in male; 4. The most frequent CHD associated with PDA are :PDA+ASD,PDA+VSD,PDA+TGAand PDA+AoCo.; 5.Some of the CHD that are less associated with PDA are:Hypoplasia of Aortic Arch,Tricuspid Insufficiency,Tricuspid/Mitral Stenosis; 6.Down Sindrome has a statistical singnificance for association with PDA+Pulmonary Hipertension and PDA+ Atrioventricular comun ductus; 7.The association between Ductal Dependent Circulation and: Fallot Tetralogy,Aortic Coarctation and Pulmonary Valve/Branch Atresia has an important statistical significance 1.Gender equality regarding the incidence of PDA; 2. The association between PDA+FT,PDA+Aortic Coarctation and PDA+TGA have a higher frequency in males than in females 3. Isolated PDA is more frequent in females than in male; 4. The most frequent CHD associated with PDA are :PDA+ASD,PDA+VSD,PDA+TGAand PDA+AoCo.; 5.Some of the CHD that are less associated with PDA are:Hypoplasia of Aortic Arch,Tricuspid Insufficiency,Tricuspid/Mitral Stenosis; 6.Down Sindrome has a statistical singnificance for association with PDA+Pulmonary Hipertension and PDA+ Atrioventricular comun ductus; 7.The association between Ductal Dependent Circulation and: Fallot Tetralogy,Aortic Coarctation and Pulmonary Valve/Branch Atresia has an important statistical significance