Some drugs are more harmful than others If you use a drug, over time you can develop a tolerance to it. Tolerance- body’s need for larger and larger amounts of a drug to produce the same effect Overdose- taking more of a drug than the body can tolerate
Stimulants, depressants, club drugs, narcotics, and hallucinogens All are harmful to your physical, mental, emotional, and social health.
Stimulant- a drug that speeds up the body’s functions Caffeine is an example, so if you drink coffee, soda, or energy drinks you are having a stimulant Stimulants Speed up the heart Raise blood pressure False sense of energy, confidence and power Once these effects wear off the person feels exhausted and irritable
Amphetamines- strong stimulant that speeds up the nervous system Can be prescribed to treat medical conditions ADD- Attention Deficit Disorder ADHD- Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder These drugs are generally called “speed” It can be swallowed, inhaled, smoked, or injected Methamphetamine- “Crystal Meth” can cause a person’s heart to suddenly stop working
Cocaine is an illegal stimulant made from the coca plant It is inhaled through the nose, smoked, or injected into your veins 1 st use produces brief feeling of well being and confidence Once it wears off the user becomes anxious Crack is a concentrated form of cocaine that is smoked Makes you feel more alert and energetic
Depressants slow down the body’s functions and reactions, including heart and breathing rates. Slows motor skills and coordination Affects a person mentally and emotionally by giving a false sense of well being through reduced anxiety and relaxation When it wears off the user experiences mood swings and depression.
Most come in tablet form. They are legal when prescribed by a doctor People with anxiety or who have anxiety attacks will be prescribed a depressant Alcohol is a depressant Misuse can lead to a coma or death
Also knows as “pot” and “weed” It is made from dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, “cannabis sativa” Usually smoked Marijuana can act as both a depressant or a stimulant depending on the person. Effects May see or hear things Relaxed Talkative May giggle a lot Memory loss Eyes are bloodshot Lowers sperm count in males