Partnering for Success
KPHA Conference September 28, 2006
Partnering for Success Support Endorsed by the Kansas Medical Society Endorsed by the Kansas Hospital Association Strong support and encouragement from Kansas Insurance Commissioner Sandy Praeger
Partnering for Success Eligibility Criteria Household income below 200% federal poverty level No health insurance for last 12 consecutive months
Partnering for Success Benefits Equal to current AffordaBlue benefits First 5 office visits ($25 co-pay) First $300 lab/x-ray Emergency room visits ($50 co-pay) $1,000 / $3,000 deductible 80/20 coinsurance ($1,000 / $3,000 maximum) $5 million lifetime maximum Prescription drug option ($100 / $300 deduct, 50/50)
Partnering for Success Benefits to Health Care Providers Lowering the uninsured rate Lowering bad debt and “chase” expenses Keeping people out of the hospitals Community leadership Brand enhancement
Partnering for Success