Middle Eastern Clothing and Customs Lesson #2
1. Describe “proper” attire for Americans (in public) 2. Describe “proper” attire for Americans (in home) 3. Is it different? 3. Why?
Which is not appropriate for school?
Clothing in the Middle East Based on ancient customs & religion Women are to be respected and covered Both men and women should wear “loose” clothing Women should NEVER reveal their femininity FROM THE KORAN: (surah(surah 24:30–31) “…believing women should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments …except to their family…”
Four schools of thought for women Cover Completely Cover head and body Cover head Dress modestly
women Cover up feminism (called ) Keeps men from fighting to protect women NiqubBurqa Chador
Men For comfort (cool in desert heat) Men hold hands with man friends (NEVER women) Gellabiya Keffiyeh
1. Describe “proper” eating customs for Americans (during holidays) 2. Describe “proper” eating customs for Americans (on a regular basis) 3. Holidays are “traditional”
Traditional Eating in Middle East With hands Right hand ONLY (or scoop with pita bread) Hospitality (always welcoming) On ground Do NOT show bottom of shoe
What Foods do you see?
Why is it proper to have only one spouse?
Why does PDA bother some people?
Social Norms Rare to see public drunkenness Rare to see PDA Rare to see or hear of crime VERY conservative Marriages seldom end in divorce Polygamy tolerated (4 wives in Islam) Turkish Coffee (very thick and lots of caffeine)
Changes in Iran
Iran – Rick Steves Describe Iran, according to this film