Bell Work What problems in education emerged during the 1980’s? Pg. 841
Ch 25 Sec 3 Social Concerns 1980’s AIDS Drug Abuse Abortion Education
Essential Questions : What were the national concerns about education, drug use, health issues and urban problems? What political, economic, and social gains were achieved by women? How did conservative policies affect minority groups?
Health Issues 1980’s AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Abortion – Roe v Wade 1973 Pro-life Pro-life Pro-choice Pro-choice Webster v Reproductive Health Care Services Webster v Reproductive Health Care Services (States had the right to impose restrictions on abortion.)
Drug Abuse War on Drugs Nancy Reagan’s anti- drug campaign “Just Say no!” to drugs “This is your brain on drugs.”
Education 1980’s A Federal Commission issued a report in 1983 called A Nation at Risk 23 million Americans were unable to fill out a job application or follow an instruction manual School Vouchers were introduced “America 2000”
Urban Crisis Flight to the suburbs hurt the inner city High Unemployment Homelessness Crumbling Infrastructure Lack of health services Deteriorating Schools
LA Riots 1992 Rodney King was beaten by four white police officers after a car chase Officers were found not guilty South Central rioted for five days, 53 killed
Equal Rights 1980’s ERA failed ratification in 1982 47 women were elected to the HOR in 1992 6 women in the US Senate 2 women in Reagan’s cabinet Pay Equality was fought for by women’s organizations
Fight for Rights African American Mayors of many big cities 1992 L. Douglas Wilder became the Governor of VA 1992 L. Douglas Wilder became the Governor of VA Jesse Jackson ran for President in 1984 and 1988 Jesse Jackson ran for President in 1984 and 1988 Many African Am. Also served as sheriffs, school board member, state legislators, and members of Congress Many African Am. Also served as sheriffs, school board member, state legislators, and members of Congress
Gains for Latinos 1988 Lauro Cavazos was appointed Sec. of Ed. 1990 Dr. Antonia Coello Novello was appointed Surgeon General
Native Americans Speak Out Aid was slashed to Native Americans for health, education and other services Native American campaigned for gambling casinos as a source of revenue
Asian American Population They were the second fastest growing minority population in the US By 1992 the Asian American Population was 8.3 million.
Advances in Gay Rights In the 1980’s gay rights groups fought for civil rights Direct Action groups called for an end to anti-gay discrimination. By 1993, 7 states and 110 communities outlawed anti-gay discrimination