ZESPÓŁ DS. GALILEO WARSZAWA, 21 Listopada 2012 Galileo FOC Timing Interface Working Group Jerzy Nawrocki Centrum Badań Kosmicznych, Obserwatorium Astrogeodynamiczne, Polska Akademia Nauk, Borowiec Waowice,
Bauch, AndreasPTB,Chairman Davis, JohnNPL Defraigne, PascaleORB, Delporte, JeromeCNES Galindo, Francisco JavierROA, Hammesfahr, Jens/ Süß, MatthiasDLR, Hindley, DavidNPL. Lewandowski, WlodekBIPM Martinez-Garcia, MartinaCDTI, Miskinis, RimantasCPST, Nawrocki, JerzyAOS, Niessner, AntonBEV, Rieck, CarstenSP, Rost, MichaelPTB, Stefanov, AndréMETAS, Tavella, PatriziaINRIM, Tuckey, Philip/ Uhrich, PierreOP, France ESA representatives Binda, StefanoESA Hahn, JörgESA Mudrak, AlexanderESA Waller,ESA Chassagne, OlivierEC Heran, MaritaECSekretariat Ruiz, LuisEC Eksperci grupy
(*)FOC –Full Operational Capability Galileo FOC* Timing Interface Working Group: White Paper White Paper Document intended as a technical input for EC/ESA in support of the procurement of the Galileo Time Service Provider for the Galileo IOC phase. The GTSP is one of the Galileo external service facilities required to achieve the Galileo Initial Operational Capability (IOC) and to provide Galileo early services. Discussion on all organizational and technical aspects of Galileo Time Service Provider
PRECISE TIME FACILITY (PTF) PRECISE TIME FACILITY (PTF) is a part of the control segment of Galileo Satellite Navigation System: Ground Mission Segment Two PTF stations (Fucino (Alenia-Spazio), Pfafenhofen, DLR) Running in parallel (Master and Slave) Undergoing tests, final calibrations, ready for operation
Aktualna sytuacja jest nadal otwarta: Prototype of Galileo Time Service Provider, located at CNES is still Prototype of Galileo Time Service Provider, located at CNES is still working (weighted average of indications of atomic clocks_ The working Group recommended realization of Galileo System Time The working Group recommended realization of Galileo System Time Based on UTC time realized by European laboratories, so called UTC(k) Final location of GTSP not yet decided, a lot of candidates Final location of GTSP not yet decided, a lot of candidates (INRIM, PTFs, ESA) The list of European UTC(k) which will participate in the The list of European UTC(k) which will participate in the realization of GTSP not decided, it is open
Realizacja czasu Galileo
Porównania TA(PL): Litwa Łącze światłowodowe Odbiorniki TTS Polska
AOS Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center (PCSS) Multiple optical regeneration (EDFA) GUM Łącze światłowodowe Warszawa - Borowiec 8 wzmacniaczy (EDFA)