Marie Lyne Tremblay, Chief Presentation to ENERGY STAR ® Participants May 2005 Energy Innovators Initiative (EII) For Existing Buildings
About the Energy Innovators Initiative (EII) Financial Incentives Planning Activities (P) Implementation Projects (3) Equipment Bonus Results Tips for ENERGY STAR ® Participants Questions? Energy Innovators Initiative Presentation Highlights
The OEE’s Buildings Division EII – Energy Innovators Initiative for existing buildings CBIP – Commercial Buildings Incentive Program for new buildings IBIP – Industrial Buildings Incentive Program for new industrial buildings FBI – Federal Buildings Initiative FHIO – Federal House in Order Communities File Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Buildings Division
Energy Innovators Initiative (EII) Market transformation program encourages energy efficiency improvements in existing commercial and institutional buildings. More than 2200 Innovators across the country representing about 30% of commercial/institutional floor space Does not provide on-site technical advice and cannot recommend specific equipment or service providers Works with a network of partners and service providers across Canada Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Introduction
Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Partners
Benefits of Membership Energy Retrofit Assistance (ERA) funding for retrofit planning and projects EII staff person assigned to work with clients as they pursue energy savings Personalized, mounted membership certificate Opportunities for clients to win awards and to promote achievements as an “Energy Innovator” Other building resources and publications Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Benefits
Energy Innovators Initiative About the EII Publications Program Brochures Case Studies Benchmarking/Best Practice Guides Technical Fact Sheets Others 74 EII Titles
EII Funding Energy Retrofit Assistance (ERA) Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives ERA Overview Encourages owners and managers of commercial businesses and public institutions to invest in their existing buildings Encourages the implementation of multiple measures at the same time using a holistic approach Offers special consideration for Northern, Aboriginal, rural and remote communities Offers complementary funding with organizations such as Hydro-Quebec and BC Hydro
Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives Eligible Organizations Commercial Sector Examples: Airports Hotels/Restaurants Office Buildings Multi-unit Residential buildings Athletic facilities Retail Warehouses Other Institutional Sector Examples: Colleges School Boards Provincial Government Municipal Government Health Care Non-Government Organizations Universities Other Utilities, consultants and manufacturing facilities are not eligible.
Energy Retrofit Assistance (P) for Retrofit Planning Activities Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives ERA (P) Energy audits Feasibility studies Energy management plans Other project facilitation services 50% of eligible costs up to 1$ per GJ of energy consumption to a maximum of $25,000
Energy Retrofit Assistance (3) for Retrofit Implementation Projects Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives ERA (3) Project development and management Capital costs Monitoring and tracking systems EII-approved staff training and employee awareness programs $7.50 per GJ saved up to of 25% of eligible costs to a maximum of $250,000
Equipment Bonus Supplementary Funding for ERA (3) Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives Equipment Bonus To be launched later in 2005 Supplementary funding for targeted equipment that is proven and readily available, yet under-utilized Eligible technologies (to be expanded in the future): Boilers – High-efficiency condensing natural gas boilers and near-condensing natural gas boilers Lighting – Premium-efficiency T-8 bulbs and ballasts and T-5 high-intensity lighting systems for high-bay applications
Steps Energy Innovators Initiative Financial Incentives Steps to Apply 1 – Contact EII Officer or call – Letter to the Minister 3 – Prepare an action plan 4 – Submit your proposal 5 – Sign your contribution agreement 6 – Start your project
New Innovators Total Innovators Energy Innovators Initiative Results Number of Innovators * As of March 2005
Planning/Facilitation Activities Implementation Projects Energy Innovators Initiative Results Number of Projects * As of March 2005
Energy Innovators Initiative Results National Totals Innovators Planning/Facilitation Activities Implementation Projects
Energy Innovators Initiative Results Projects per Sector * As of Jan 2005 School Boards 20% Health Care 20% Multi-Unit Residential 15% Universities/Colleges 13% Office Buildings 12% Retail and Shopping 8% Hotels and Restaurants 7% Non-Profit, Governments and Aboriginal 5%
Note: EII figures as of January 2005, CIBEUS figures as of 2000 GJ/m 2 Energy Innovators Initiative Results Energy Intensity
Energy Innovators Initiative Results Statistics 1 * As of Jan 2005 Market Transformation Funded Planning Activities
Funded Implementation Projects Energy Innovators Initiative Results Statistics 2 * As of Jan 2005
How You Can Work With The EII as an ENERGY STAR Participant Energy Innovators Initiative Advice Tips for Participants Provincial governments, retailers and manufacturers can apply for funding for your own retail, warehouse or office buildings Utilities and provincial governments can work with the EII through strategic alliances and complementary funding for shared clients Member-based associations can apply to be “partners” Equipment suppliers can promote yourselves directly to clients and service providers since the EII cannot recommend one product over another All participants can promote the initiative and incentives to your commercial and institutional clients, stressing the implementation of multiple types of measures at one time
Energy Innovators Initiative Questions? Toll-Free:(877) EII Internet: Buildings Internet: Toll-Free:(877) EII Internet: Buildings Internet: Marie Lyne Tremblay