Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | DIGITAL WHOLESALE DOUG HADDEN
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | AGENDA Why should I acquire/sell inventory online? Different types of online auctions Tools and services Getting ready Questions 2
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | WHY SHOULD I ACQUIRE/SELL INVENTORY ONLINE? Time Selection Lower costs Transparency 3
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | DIFFERENT TYPES OF ONLINE AUCTIONS Webcast 4
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | DIFFERENT TYPES OF ONLINE AUCTIONS Webcast eBay style 5
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | DIFFERENT TYPES OF ONLINE AUCTIONS Webcast eBay style Bid at appraisal 6
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | TOOLS AND SERVICES Run List Saved Searches Watch List AutoBid Listing Types 7
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | TOOLS AND SERVICES Inventory Management System Integration Marketing Private online auction People 8
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | TOOLS AND SERVICES Condition Reports / Vehicle Detail Page 9
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | CONDITION REPORTS / VEHICLE DETAIL PAGE 10 AutoGrade Announcements Photos Damages
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | CONDITION REPORTS / VEHICLE DETAIL PAGE 11
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | PHOTOS 12
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | MOBILE Buy And Sell From Your Phone 13
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GETTING READY Plan and Process Personnel Schedule Pick a Partner Interview References 14
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GETTING READY Wholesale Proposal Costs 15 COSTS
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | COSTS Buy fee Sell fee Transportation Hidden fees 16
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GETTING READY Wholesale Proposal Costs Process 17 COSTS PROCESS
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | PROCESS 18 Here is the typical Franchise Dealer Remarketing Plan for fresh trades and aged units. Group Trade Offered between dealers within group. Group Trade Offered between dealers within group. Open Sale Open Sale Vehicles offered to all buyers via open online auction Open Sale Open Sale Vehicles offered to all buyers via open online auction Consign to Physical Auction Vehicles not purchased are assigned to auction, offered for sale during transport Consign to Physical Auction Vehicles not purchased are assigned to auction, offered for sale during transport Physical Auction Vehicles offered: In-lane & online open marketplace Physical Auction Vehicles offered: In-lane & online open marketplace
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GETTING READY Wholesale Proposal Costs Process People assets 19 COSTS PROCESS PEOPLE ASSETS
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | PEOPLE ASSETS Who will be your main contact? How many people will you have to talk to? What is their main job? 20
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GETTING READY Wholesale Proposal Costs Process People assets Goals 21 COSTS PROCESS PEOPLE ASSETS GOALS
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GOALS Set clear and realistic goals Number of units listed Floors / Pricing No Sale units 22
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GETTING READY Wholesale Proposal Costs Process People assets Goals Reports 23 COSTS PROCESS PEOPLE ASSETS GOALS REPORTS
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | REPORTS How easy How often Complete understanding 24
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | GETTING READY Wholesale Proposal Costs Process People assets Goals Reports Performance Reviews 25 PERFORMANCE REVIEWS COSTS PROCESS PEOPLE ASSETS GOALS REPORTS
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | PERFORMANCE REVIEWS How often What will be covered What is important to you 26
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | READY Wholesale Proposal Costs Process People assets Goals Reports Performance Reviews 27 PERFORMANCE REVIEWS COSTS PROCESS PEOPLE ASSETS GOALS REPORTS
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | QUESTIONS? 28
Doug Hadden | ADESA | Director of Dealer Training | CONTACT INFO Full Name: Doug Hadden Company: ADESA Job Title: Director of Dealer Training Share an important takeaway you received from this session using hashtag #DD19 for a chance to win an iPad