Preparation Please send s to all appraisees 3 months in advance to: Make appointments Update on new developments Flag up any difficulties Identify non responders to the local area team to chase
Housekeeping Make sure that the local area team have allocated you as the appraiser for the appraisee. Contact Emma Drew(project officer) East Anglia Appraisal Admin Team NHS England, CPC1, Capital Park, Fulbourn, Cambridge, CB21 5XE
Housekeeping Please check you log in and pass words for the Clarity and RCGP Check which toolkit is being used and become familiar with it. For toolkit enquiries please ring: CLARITY RCGP
Pre-appraisal review Double check the venue of meeting/time/how long the process will take. Try and review the toolkit before the interview.
Pre-appraisal review Review : Guidance for the appraisers in terms of output statements On The Appraisal Revalidation page under Appraiser The factual information can be filled in before the interview and double check the dates during the interview.
Appraisal interview Please conduct this in a style that suits you and your appraise. This should be take an average of 2-3 hours. Purpose of the appraisal needs to be clarified. Mutually decide on : what format the interview will take when the output statement will written how you will arrange mutual sign off.
Appraisal interview This needs to be appraisee centred and should focus on last year’s: Achievements Aspirations/Difficulties The 4 domains GMC need to considered Dates/types of evidence presented and reflections need to recorded and commented on. Revalidation readiness needs to considered and commented on.
Post interview Complete the output statement and sign off. Ensure the appraisee signs off. Let the local area team know that appraisal has been completed. If you are able to send a copy of the output statement and PDP to them that is a real help especially if revalidation is due soon.
Payment Please send the appropriately numbered invoice to the local area team and keep a log of this for your records. Turn round time is a few weeks. Feedback will be sent a few times a year to you on the quality of the output statements. Please contact your senior appraiser for any non admin questions as they are there to try and help! Good Luck