EZVID By Tiffany Turner
S YSTEM R EQUIREMENTS Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8 2.0GHZ Processor 1GB RAM 10GB free hard drive space 1024 x 768 resolution DirectX 9.0 or later Windows Media Player
A DVANTAGES Voice Synthesis Photo Slideshow Maker Recording/Video Length Webcam/Facecam Recording
D ISADVANTAGES Audio Capture Does not accept MP3 or WAV imports Background Music Lacks Versatility (YouTube upload) Doesn’t support DVD burning
C ONCLUSION Was not satisfied with the Audio Capture Did not like having to upload to YouTube Would recommend it for simple projects (i.e. slideshows) Loved the Voice Synthesis Liked how easy it was to edit the Video Capture Overall rating 4 out of 10
R EFERENCES audio-in-ezvid/