Help Your Students Soar with KET’s High Flying new Resources!
Lets take a Peek at how these Resources Strengthen Instruction! v Your presenter today is: Larry Moore, KET Education Consultant North Central Region / Ext. 7264
Goal of Today’s Sessions The goal of this session is to introduce you to the latest KET has to offer through our KET EncycloMedia and other web services, and to help you: Identify ways these services will help you and your fellow teachers collaborate with each other regarding the resources the services contain. look at features within these services that actively engage students and support their learning.
Something to Ponder “ Information that is not attended to, that does not engage students’ cognition, is in fact inaccessible. It is inaccessible both in the moment – relevant information goes unnoticed and unprocessed – and in the future: relevant information is unlikely to be remembered.” CAST (2008). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines Version 1.0. Wakefield, MA: Author.
How KET Services Meet the Goals of the Professional Learning Community Collaboration: Services within KET EncycloMedia include collaborative tools such as My Folders and My Content in PBS Learning Media (PLM) and Discovery Education (DE) allow teachers to easily share content and tools.Services within KET EncycloMedia include collaborative tools such as My Folders and My Content in PBS Learning Media (PLM) and Discovery Education (DE) allow teachers to easily share content and tools. Focused on Learning: All KET instructional resources are aligned with Kentucky and Common Core academic standards and created to maximize engagement and retention on the part of studentsAll KET instructional resources are aligned with Kentucky and Common Core academic standards and created to maximize engagement and retention on the part of students Teacher and student access to self paced instructional modules such as “Inspiring Middle School Literacy” in PLM actively engage the learner and provide immediate results.Teacher and student access to self paced instructional modules such as “Inspiring Middle School Literacy” in PLM actively engage the learner and provide immediate results. Action Oriented: To be action oriented is to value engagement and reflective experience. Several features within the services provided by KET foster both of these criteria.To be action oriented is to value engagement and reflective experience. Several features within the services provided by KET foster both of these criteria.
How KET Services Meet the Goals of the Professional Learning Community Continuous Improvement: KET’s self paced PDs, created in collaboration with KDE;KET’s self paced PDs, created in collaboration with KDE; on topics such as Formative Assessment, plus upcoming modules on Primary Program Reviews and Teacher Peer Evaluation stress continuous improvement for teachers. on topics such as Formative Assessment, plus upcoming modules on Primary Program Reviews and Teacher Peer Evaluation stress continuous improvement for teachers. Collective Inquiry: The ability to share resources with colleagues and students in both PBLM and DE aid in the collective inquiry process as does access to the professional development modules.The ability to share resources with colleagues and students in both PBLM and DE aid in the collective inquiry process as does access to the professional development modules. Results Oriented: Student engagement is necessary for positive results to occur and KET’s instructional resources are highly engaging through tools such as Discovery’s Student Center which allows students to show results through features such as Board Builder.Student engagement is necessary for positive results to occur and KET’s instructional resources are highly engaging through tools such as Discovery’s Student Center which allows students to show results through features such as Board Builder. Both DE and PBSLM have strong collections of project and challenge based learning design PD and instructional resources.Both DE and PBSLM have strong collections of project and challenge based learning design PD and instructional resources.
Engaging Students through Multiple Forms of Instructional Media Related short learning objects can easily be grouped to create a variety of forms of representation about the same conceptRelated short learning objects can easily be grouped to create a variety of forms of representation about the same concept Helps make abstract concepts concrete through computer graphics and simulationsHelps make abstract concepts concrete through computer graphics and simulations Enhances blended learning through the use of self paced modulesEnhances blended learning through the use of self paced modules Can easily be used in learning centers to allow for differentiation of instructionCan easily be used in learning centers to allow for differentiation of instruction Sets stage for connecting prior knowledge to new materialSets stage for connecting prior knowledge to new material Addresses multiple intelligencesAddresses multiple intelligences Connects classroom experiences to the real worldConnects classroom experiences to the real world Creates interest and engages student throughout learning processCreates interest and engages student throughout learning process
What makes this example of KET Instructional media an effective teaching Tool?
Effective Use Of Video Learning Objects in Your Classroom Integrating Instructional Video (ITV) into Your Lesson Plans Boy Watching Sharks in Aquarium. Corbis, Image. 15 February
The Process Define objective Determine media needs based on objective and student’s needs Locate, PREVIEW, and download media Design lesson plan Implement lesson Frame: Preview activity to introduce media Focus: Instruction using media Follow-up: Post- viewing activity for extension Follow-up and Evaluation
Ensure students know what you expect them to learn from the media and for what they are responsible: Prepare them to learn by using an activity to connect to prior knowledge Introduce a graphic organizer to help them record and analyze information they see in the media Frame
Focus Control room environment for optimum media use. Experience with your students. (model the desired behavior) Turn on captioning if available Use the power of media player to use media interactively and point out important content Use “Thumbs up” technique, graphic organizers, etc. for interactive experience
Follow-up Follow-up the media experience Summarize the content Generate discussion Make students accountable for the media content Extend the learning and engage students’s individual learning modalities through kinesthetic and immersion activities FlickrCreativeCommons by chrisschuepp
An integrated Lesson Using the Raven to Teach about Adaptation The Myth of the Raven Crow Intelligence Git-Hoan Raven Dance
Let’s Explore!
Newest Mission US Newest Mission US A Cheyenne Odyssey Mission 3: A Cheyenne Odyssey Its You are little Fox, a Northern Cheyenne boy. Can you help your tribe survive life on the plains? Current Target Date of A Cheyenne Odyssey is late September 2013
vv The New KET EncycloMedia
Teacher’s Domain Evolves into PBS Learning Media PBS Learning combines the resources from Teacher’s Domain with new KET and PBS content and then adds an improved search engine and overall functionality 30,000 resources from KET and PBS affiliates with resources being added each month Content includes video, images, interactives, lesson plans, and self paced lessons and professional development.
A Great Example of Student Engagement: “Inspiring Middle School Literacy”
Tips for Maximizing Learning with PBS Learning Media Features Turn on Closed Captioning Search by interactives to engage students in multiple ways Search by Lesson Plans or Self Paced Lessons to find a variety of suggested multimedia with connected activities Create folders to allowing sharing of resources with students and colleagues
Collaboration using PBS Learning Media My Favorites Folders
PBS Learning Media Professional Development Promoting Positive Behavior in Schools
PBS Learning Media Science Resources
PBS Learning Media Social Studies History
Social Studies Cultural Collections
Discovery Education
Discovery Education Student Center
Tips for Using Maximizing Learning with Discovery Features Learn to Download Closed Captioning files Use transcripts Use Assignment builder to orchestrate lessons with multiple forms of engagement Use shared content to coordinate multiple forms of representation and engagement among teachers Send students to the Student Center for access to learning tools such as Board Builder