The 1920s OK if you’re an insider, not a good time to be an outsider
Growing City culture = Lesser Moral Values? Many thought cities were dens of evil - in large part caused by new immigrants Also, war often breeds nationalism that desires unity and conformity Can a country ever be unified if there are people of varied backgrounds and beliefs (religious, political, etc.)?
Threats to “America” Rise due to fears of a threat to “ traditional American culture” Who threatened “traditional American culture”? -- blacks, “loose” moral women, Southern and Eastern Europeans, Jews, Catholics
The Monkey Trial
Are you an insider? “Return to normalcy” “The business of this country is business” Business people in govt. positions Lower taxes on high incomes 1% of banks control 50% of business Rich richer, poor poorer
Consumerism of 1920s
A Means of Ensuring Conformity -- KKK During mid 1920s KKK membership rises to over 5 million
Red Summer of 1919 Racial violence throughout the US from Riots in multiple cities.
Failures of Progressivism
Red Scare Strikes in Seattle, Boston, and steel industry Also bomb threats to famous citizens (including attorney general) American Legion - anti radical group.
Foreign Radicals: The Easy Target Led by Atty. Gen. Palmer police round up foreign-born anarchists and communists and deport them - no search warrant, no trial (1920) Ends less than a year later under protests and false alarm in NYC on May Day. Sacco and Vanzetti Case
Palmer Raids -
Stop Outsiders? Stop Immigration
Foreign People in General: Another easy target Fears of a “barbarian horde” from Europe after the war lead to strict immigration laws Eventually National Origins Quota Act - European immigration = 150,000 & no Asian immigration Fears of a deterioration of the Anglo race (Eugenic Movement) Quotas exist until 1960s